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Monday, October 3, 2022

Newsom and Orwell's "Consensus Science"

When we "follow the science" we often lose sight of scientific fact, evidence and statistics.

Our dear friends in California have made "following the science" a law.  According to this "California Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation on Friday that gives the state some ammunition against physicians who spread lies about COVID in the context of direct patient care ...  Such [ lies ] misinformation -- when it is "contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care," and delivered with "malicious intent or an intent to mislead" -- now can be defined as "unprofessional conduct."

Let's juxtapose the FDA's approval of Vioxx, for example, against The Great Barrington Declaration (GBD). 

The Great Barrington Declaration, as of today signed by close to a million physicians world wide, basically said in October of 2020 (underline mine) "... Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden..."

As of October, 2022, we find numerous indications of "excess mortality".

For example: ( "World Population Data Sheet 2022 Highlights Excess Deaths Due to COVID-19 ...

  • Nearly 15 million excess deaths occurred globally in 2020-2021.
  • At 300 deaths per 100,000, Eastern Europe saw the highest rate of average annual excess deaths due to the pandemic in 2020-2021.
  • Between 2019 and 2021, life expectancy in the US declined from 78 years to 76 years. Global life expectancy at birth is 75 years for women and 70 years for men.


Clearly "excess mortality" has, to a large degree come true.  Are lockdowns, as described in the the GBD, the cause?

Fifteen million people's families want to know...

Yet the NIH (see along with Fauci worked to create "a quick and devastating published take down" of the GBD.

Then we have the FDA and Vioxx.  A nice history from NPR, written in 2007, is provided here (underline mine) ( "Timeline: The Rise and Fall of Vioxx

...September 2004: Merck withdraws Vioxx after a colon-polyp prevention study, called APPROVe, shows that the drug raises the risk of heart attacks after 18 months. By the time Vioxx is withdrawn from market, an estimated 20 million Americans have taken the drug.

Research later published in the medical journal Lancet estimates that 88,000 Americans had heart attacks from taking Vioxx, and 38,000 of them died. ..."

I can hear the crying now: "The FDA and the HIH do God's work, it's SCIENCE" the little mice cry...

Yet a little digging shows how unsuccessful "FDA drug approval" really is (see

On average, what, a thousand recall's per year?

The approval rate is far lower than the application rate.

Many of these recalls must be for older drugs or drugs already on the market.

Regardless, "drug safety" is hard to fathom given these confusing facts.

If we parse "contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care," we see that "consensus" is the rule.  

What about my last post on this subject ("WaPo: Shots affect Periods and More...") - clearly direct evidence that the "consensus" was wrong.

WHO's consensus? (pun intended)

What if the actual "facts" contradict the "consensus?"

Newsom is merely advancing an Orwellian agenda on his citizens.  

More tools to silence nay-sayers. 

The article says it's sad that the punishments do not extend to "social media" expressions.

Fortunately the courts are coming down on the side of actual science and actual facts.

The GBD goes to court soon - hopefully to silence the Fauci's and NIH Collins of the world.

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