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Sunday, October 30, 2022

Billy and Catholics and Pharma, Oh My!

There's an old Billy Joel song, from his "The Stranger" album, called "Only the Good Die Young".  I was listening to it the other day when this lyric popped into my ear.  The singer, Joel, trying to get in the pants of "Virginia" - a Catholic girl - says:

"Well, they showed you a statue, told you to pray
Aw, but they never told you the price that you pay"

And, as I was vacuuming, I thought to myself: "Indeed, as a recovering Catholic that's exactly how it was done.  Right along with the accompanying fire, brimstone and hell..." 

There you were, sitting in the church pew, clutching your new rosary in your sweaty, pudgy little nine year old hand chanting your "Hail Mary's" right after confessing to the voice behind the curtain that you tried to look up little Julie's skirt - all so you wouldn't be "damned" and goto hell forever.

(And don't forget that collection plate every Sunday...)

After a bit more reflection I thought:  How is this not like the modern 'church' of covid?

First let's think about how the Catholic church controlled the masses from ancient times to today:

  1. Frighten the common folk (remember the average IQ is around 100) with stories of an all powerful force, God and the Pope in this case, that can provide ultimate glory (eternal Heaven) or ultimate defeat (eternal Hell).  Play up the "fire and brimstone" to ensure compliance, after all, you don't want you or your children to go to Hell...

  2. Define your own set of rules to impose on the "folk" so the "folk" know exactly how to get to Heaven (see the dangling carrot).

  3. Require the "folk" to constantly be aware of their status relative to these rules and provide a simple, reliable means to get the "folk" to show up on a regular basis to make controlling them simple: weekly mass and confession.

This is the Catholic church in a nutshell: control, not the actual message of Christ.

And this model worked for thousand of years, right?

Until us moderns "threw off" the yoke of "religious oppression" by calling out the pedophiles, pointing out the hypocrisy, etc. etc. to the point where, today, being Catholic or religious is like being a leper, or worse.

Feminism, the woman's movement, wokeness, big tech, all of these things supposedly freed us from this horrific religious oppression... right? Right...?

Certainly all of these things have dealt a mighty blow to the Catholic church.

But have they really stopped the dark forces behind the Catholic church?

Or have they simply replaced one dark force with another...?

Let's think about Covid today:

  1. Frighten the common folk an all powerful force, God Covid and the Pope Fauci in this case, that can provide ultimate glory (Heaven safe from Covid) and ultimate defeat (Hell death).  Play up the "fire and brimstone" masking and vaccines to ensure compliance, after all, you don't want you or your children to go to Hell die...

  2. Define your own set of rules to impose on the "folk" so the "folk" know how to get to Heaven (masks, social distancing, no Thanksgiving - where's my hair shirt...)

  3. Require the "folk" to constantly be aware of their status relative to these rules and provide a simple, reliable means to get the "folk" to show up on a regular basis to make controlling them simple: weekly mass and confession vaccines and "boosters".
Are we really "free" of the evils of the Catholic church and Pope?

Or has a new dark force simply upgraded the old one to feed on a different set of fears?

Indeed, this new force is at least as powerful as the Catholic church of old.  It affects your day-to-day "safety", the "safety" of your, your children, your old, decrepit mother or mother-in-law.

The effects of this new dark force can be seen today:

The most devote acolytes today driving around alone or in pairs in their cars wearing masks.

Rejection of the "heresy" of myocarditis, vaccine side effects, and VAERS.

The shunning of facts and actual science by the "modern media."

Sacrificing your child's education for the safety of others.

So who runs this new dark force?  Certainly not the Pope.

No, today we have new "leaders" like the FDA, CDC, Fauci and Biden.  Like the leaders of old that preach pedophilia is bad, who made sure you don't do it or even think about it without confessing it all to them.

All the while engaging in the exact behavior they preached was bad with your children (after all, if you thought about looking up little Julie's skirt maybe they out to investigate that themselves...)

Today, instead of "going to hell" you'll kill grandma or you "won't be thinking of others" if you take your mask off, don't social distance or don't get the vaccine.

The most ironic thing is that those who preach the loudest about the "evils of religion" are in fact the most devoted to the church of 'Covid'.

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