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Monday, October 10, 2022

Doctor Doesn't Know Best... The Government Does

Just an example...

I saw this article recently: "We must challenge 'doctor knows best' attitude, bereaved mother says"

This gist of this is that the doctor killed this woman's thirteen year old daughter.

According to the article: "Martha had sustained a rare pancreatic trauma after falling off a bike on a family holiday, and spent weeks in a specialist unit where she developed sepsis. ...

Ms Mills said her daughter would be alive today if doctors had not kept information from the parents about her condition, because they would have demanded a second opinion.

She added that doctors' attitudes "reeked of misogyny", citing a moment when her "anxiety" was used as an argument to not send critical care to Martha."

True, doctors are often idiots. 

Twenty years ago my daughter was nearly killed in a similar situation.  She had pneumonia but the idiot in charge was convinced that her body was destroying her lungs for some reason.  No second opinions were allowed.  Fortunately we were able to physically remove her and place her in another hospital.  Within hours receiving standard "pneumonia treatment" she had significantly recovered.

But the real issue here is that this position taken by Ms. Mills will be used by the WHO (World Health Organization) to not allow your doctor to direct your treatment.

Currently Fauci, Collins et all have worked hard against groups like FLCCC Alliance or The Great Barrington Declaration (see this) to prevent your doctor from treating your Covid with whatever he or she thinks is best.

Medical errors could account for over 250,000 deaths in the USA each year (see this NIH article).

By controlling the media bureaucrats like a Fauci or Collins will simply not have deaths reported (or mis-reported) as necessary to direct "blame" elsewhere.

Removing your doctor for directing your care is a critical globalist concept.  Without a doctor impeding their agenda treatments that add millions to a government hack like Fauci can be forced on you (like remdesivir/VEKLURY) simply and painlessly (for them).

The death of Ms. Mills daughter is very sad, especially for me having had the experience I did with my daughter.

However, what's the alternative?

After all, doctors are always "practicing" medicine...

I predict more like Ms. Mills will be used to "bureaucracize" your medical care.  In fact, with Covid, it's already started...

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