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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Coronavirus: PA's Socialism Redistributes Death

We often hear that socialism and the redistribution of your wealth.

I'm afraid it's more insidious...

So let's take a look:

Here's a little map of Pennsylvania Covid19 cases (from:

As you can see cases are roughly distributed by population density.

The gif below animates this (same link, click image for animation):

Presently there are 1,492 Covid19 deaths in PA.

If we go to this PA Health web page ( - bottom of page) we see the following table indicating the number of deaths in nursing home and personal care facilities:

Note the number of deaths in these facilities: 903.

Note too that (from: Pennsylvania Health "[ PA Health Dept ] ... license[s] and regulate[s] in-patient healthcare facilities, like nursing homes and hospitals, as well as out-patient healthcare facilities, like ambulatory surgical facilities and home health care agencies, to ensure they deliver safe health care to residents. We approve the building, engineering and construction plans for these facilities as well."

So of all deaths in PA that means the State of Pennsylvania oversaw facilities where 60.5% of the deaths occurred.

So the government of Pennsylvania has overseen the treatment/care of 903 deaths.

The rest of us, on our own, have managed only 589 deaths, or a death rate of .00498%, out of some 12,000,000 residents of the state.

From there ( we can expect about 91% of Pennsylvania's 88,000 beds to be occupied, or roughly 80,000.

Calculating the death rate we see that under the PA Dept. of Health about 1.1% of nursing home residents die.

So for some reason Tom Wolf and company feel the need to redistribute their failure to manager the people they are ultimately responsible for to the rest of us.

How have they done this?

We are under lock down, we the .00498% people who, through our own efforts, managed a very small death rate (589, lower than all PA gun violence according to this site:

They, with 1.1% of the deaths on their watch, seem to be free:

No masks.

No social distancing.

Yet they are responsible for a much higher percentage of deaths.

Socialism at its finest.

It's not just about redistributing your wealth.

It's also about redistributing the Pennsylvania Dept. of Health's failure.

That's why you are on lockdown and will remain so.

They are failing.

You are paying.

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