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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Coronavirus: The Real Angels of Death: Government and Healthcare

What I am going to show you here, quite simply, is the "heath care" and government are the Covid problem.  Not you or I...

Consider that the CDC reported more than 9,000 health care workers were infected with Covid in mid April (2020):

Covid cycles every week or so, so each case spreads to more, those incubate, and spread to more.  For a week you have no symptoms (how many people do you come in contact with in a week???).

The ramping is quite clear and certainly applies to health care workers as well as everyone else.

Now go back to the 9,000 health care workers.  Since that article was written the number is probably more like 35,000. The infection spreads like this:

It will be spread to everyone.

(People are smart as a group. Notice the endless news stories about empty hospitals?  People aren't dumb... Let me have my heart attack/appendix attack/gall bladder at home.  I know if I go into the hospital I am DEAD.)

Given the variety of reports we can reasonably estimate about fifty times that many, or 450,000 (if there are that many) are infected and this will grow to many, many millions over the next month or two.

We also see that "nursing homes" will not survive this "pandemic."

To wit: these homes are already looking for civil immunity from Covid lawsuits (see: Little wonder.

They are the dumping ground for the outflow of the US medical system.

This is where corona virus patients are sent to "recover:"

Nursing homes...

Ask yourself: who tends to them there?

Health care professionals.  Professionals that go from place to place because the state doesn't pay for doctors to stay in one nursing home - it's too expensive.

In Pennsylvania, for example, 60% of all Covid cases are in nursing homes, facilities licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (see previous posts in this blog).  These numbers are similar in other states.

Clearly the vector of Covid19 is health care.  It is enabled by government.

The truth is very simple.

Government and "big medicine" are distributing Covid19 to the people least able to defend against it.

"Big medicine" is spreading Covid.

If you are supposedly "healthy" you don't get Covid (see: "This analysis reveals that unlike coronavirus infections of pregnant women caused by SARS and MERS, in these 38 pregnant women COVID-19 did not lead to maternal deaths. Importantly, and similar to pregnancies with SARS and MERS, there were no confirmed cases of intrauterine transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from mothers with COVID-19 to their fetuses. All neonatal specimens tested, including in some cases placentas, were negative by rt-PCR for SARS-CoV-2."

Unlike pregnant women the world's immunity healthcare system is weak.  It's not designed for pandemic responses.

It can't be.  Where do you store 100,000 ventilators?  There aren't that many places to put them nor techs to run them or rooms to put the techs in.

Today's fools believe that there should be a waiting hospital bed for everyone just standing by: its "health care" after all and its free or damn well ought to be.

We have created vast swaths of lazy fools that believe in "the science of medicine" beyond all reason, beyond God, beyond rational thinking.

(This blog is endless harassed by idiots who know zero about data analysis or determining root causes in complex systems.  They pick random numbers, they believe "what they are told," and so on.  They ignore obvious principles of biology and physics.  This will not change and this is why you are imprisoned.)

Everyone is "sick" these days...  So medicine, like a leech, can live off their blood.

Covid19 reveals this ugly, underlying truth.

Most in "health care" don't understand that a virus is 20 nm (nano meters) in size.  It goes where ever the wind takes it.  No amount of masks, technology, vaccines, or anything else will stop it.

The twin angels of death with Covid: medical "health care" and the government.

They are the vector of death.

These fools in health care don't seem to understand that you are going to acquire the coronavirus.  You can't avoid it.  You, the health care worker, are going to spread it.  You can't avoid it.

Yet We the People remain on "lock down."

"Lock down" so the state and its toadies can keep you from awakening to the truth.

Look at the numbers.

Think about what the common vectors of this disease are.

You will understand...

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Coronavirus: Non-Science For Lockdowns and Social Distancing

Has anyone seen any sort of scientific proof that “social distancing” works in the case of Covid19?

Sure, common sense says that if you isolate someone in an environment where there is no access to a particular pathogen that person will not get the pathogen.

However, even in the case of an N95 mask we know that 5% of virus size particle still pass through.

Even an ISO Class 1 clean room ( is going to let through viral particles.

Basically you aren’t safe anywhere…

And, as the news reports, the infection rates are much, much higher than we were told:

So one has to ask whether or not social distancing and “lock downs” do anything at all...

After all, despite lock downs, somehow the virus spread in California and New York, and much more than anyone expected.

So do they work at all?

I would say no.

(Show me the science!   Crickets....)

And I am not the only one.

No scientific evidence they work: neither for lock downs or social distancing.

Then there is this: (well worth the time to watch).

He confirms what I am saying and, oh look, he’s a real scientist… (

He even studies economics and pandemics.

And more naysayers will come.

It’s all a crock.

Yet here's what we see in the "electronic media" about "science:"

It's banned...

Think about this.

Science is banned because we all believe in science, don't we...???

But "science" is the new religion, right?

(Perhaps we simply feel better believing in what we pretend science to be because...???)

And it works both ways.  Now you're on the PC band wagon and you said "don't worry about the Covid" before so you use copyright takedowns to silence yourself:

Silence yourself?

Hmmm...  Perhaps your ideas weren't so good before, or is now?

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Coronavirus: Sometimes You Find What You Look For

From the video linked below...
Would this get up really protect you from getting and/or spreading the most dangerous viruses on earth?

I am intrigued by this last blog post (

The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV underscores the threat of cross-species transmission events leading to outbreaks in humans. Here we examine the disease potential of a SARS-like virus, SHC014-CoV, which is currently circulating in Chinese horseshoe bat populations[1]. Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system[2], we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone. The results indicate that group 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild-type backbone can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV. Additionally, in vivo experiments demonstrate replication of the chimeric virus in mouse lung with notable pathogenesis. Evaluation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein. On the basis of these findings, we synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo. Our work suggests a potential risk of SARS-CoV re-emergence from viruses currently circulating in bat populations."

So here's a bunch of folks from the University of North Carolina and the Wuhan Virology Institute messing around with corona viruses where "... we synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo."

So these folks are altering bat-borne corona viruses and then verifying they can replicate and transfer between living beings.

They add this SHC014 "spike" to the virus and note "... both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein."

Which appears to indicate that in a virus having this spike vaccines aren't going to do much good (which not surprisingly, WHO if you take any stock in what they say) agrees with:

So let's compare all this with the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 (BWATA, Pub.L. 101–298, enacted May 22, 1990) which, from Wikipedia, "... was a piece of U.S. legislation that was passed into law in 1990. It provided for the implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention as well as criminal penalties for violation of its provisions."

This Act defines a biological agent as "any micro-organism, virus, infectious substance, or biological product that may be engineered as a result of biotechnology, or any naturally occurring or bioengineered component of any such microorganism, virus, infectious substance, or biological product, capable of causing death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism; deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or material of any kind or deleterious alteration of the environment"

Surely this work falls into this category.

Sadly, though, intent under this is hard to determine: "Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both."

Clearly no one in the paper above says that this could be weaponized so it's unlikely anyone will care that they are making dangerous biological weaponry.

For the most part this site ( seems to provide a pretty good idea of the Wuhan Virology Institute did and perhaps caused as related to Covid19:

You can follow the link and watch the video.  The author speaks Chinese fluently and has a lot of history living in China so it provides a bit of a different spin on things than you usually see here.

Things I find odd here:

People knowingly going out to collect "dangerous" bat samples all over China.  As you can see from the video below they certainly may not take the types of precautions you would expect hunting something as deadly as SARS (image at top linked from here).  Exposed skin.  More cases where there doesn't seem to be much protection.  Could these folks be carriers and not even know it?

Funding for the above study comes in part from  Our old friend Bill Gates's foundation is linked in as "Science and Policy Adviser."  (Though the fact that vaccines would appear not to work kind of puts the Gates vaccination conspiracy model down a notch or two...)

The "missing" Chinese intern theory (upper video) makes sense and is confirmed in a Whitehouse briefing:  Again, messing around with a loaded gun, so to speak.

We are we making dangerous corona-virus-based chimera and then messing with those?  Seems like an odd approach, doesn't it?  After all we don't build and detonate nuclear weapons to test our schemes to avoid them harming us.  We let loose rapid raccoons to figure out how to eradicate them.  So why do this?  Surely seems like ulterior motives mush be involved...

A lot of insight can be gained from looking at the rest of this page: (  While this guy blames China the US, NAIH and Fauci not to mention the authors of the paper and UNC all seem to have a roll.  After all, we seem to be encouraging it.

The folks that worked on this are here: Vineet D Menachery, Boyd L Yount Jr, Kari Debbink, Sudhakar Agnihothram, Lisa E Gralinski, Jessica A Plante, Rachel L Graham, Trevor Scobey, Xing-Yi Ge, Eric F Donaldson, Scott H Randell, Antonio Lanzavecchia, Wayne A Marasco, Zhengli-Li Shi & Ralph S Baric.  Interestingly there's two people (it's pretty obvious who) from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  You can search everyone but them.  They are a little harder to google...  Most of the rest are from UNC, Texas and other US locations.

You can also see from this page shot that folks (no one linked to this particular story in this case) cycle through the US, the labs above, Wuhan and back:

I have to agree with the "I found the source of the coronavirus" guy that people aren't real careful about the trail they leave..

What does all this mean?

I am not sure.

Certainly everyone's hands are in this: The Gates Foundation, UNC, Wuhan Institute of Virology, and a whole lot of US and Chinese players floating around between here and China.

Clearly Fauci is, at least for a while, funding all this with his $3.7 million in funding.

How much of any of this is believable given the poor rate of verifiable success incompetence in US medical studies:  A sentiment echoed in this WSJ article ( by Dr. Ioannidis (a credible source, underlines mine).

From this article: "“Several years ago, along with one of my colleagues, we had mapped 235 biases across science. And maybe the biggest cluster is biases that are trying to generate significant, spectacular, fascinating, extraordinary results,” he says. “Early results tend to be inflated. Claims for significance tend to be exaggerated.”

An example is a 2012 meta-analysis on nutritional research, in which he randomly selected 50 common cooking ingredients, such as sugar, flour and milk. Eighty percent of them had been studied for links to cancer, and 72% of the studies linked an ingredient to a higher or lower risk. Yet three-quarters of the findings were weak or statistically insignificant."

Little wonder an "accident" happened somewhere along the way...

Or was it a "deliberate" accident?

Given the general levels of ignorance in society, Chinese efforts to control the population, ridiculously biased new sources, etc. it's little wonder people are frustrated...

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Coronavirus: PA's Socialism Redistributes Death

We often hear that socialism and the redistribution of your wealth.

I'm afraid it's more insidious...

So let's take a look:

Here's a little map of Pennsylvania Covid19 cases (from:

As you can see cases are roughly distributed by population density.

The gif below animates this (same link, click image for animation):

Presently there are 1,492 Covid19 deaths in PA.

If we go to this PA Health web page ( - bottom of page) we see the following table indicating the number of deaths in nursing home and personal care facilities:

Note the number of deaths in these facilities: 903.

Note too that (from: Pennsylvania Health "[ PA Health Dept ] ... license[s] and regulate[s] in-patient healthcare facilities, like nursing homes and hospitals, as well as out-patient healthcare facilities, like ambulatory surgical facilities and home health care agencies, to ensure they deliver safe health care to residents. We approve the building, engineering and construction plans for these facilities as well."

So of all deaths in PA that means the State of Pennsylvania oversaw facilities where 60.5% of the deaths occurred.

So the government of Pennsylvania has overseen the treatment/care of 903 deaths.

The rest of us, on our own, have managed only 589 deaths, or a death rate of .00498%, out of some 12,000,000 residents of the state.

From there ( we can expect about 91% of Pennsylvania's 88,000 beds to be occupied, or roughly 80,000.

Calculating the death rate we see that under the PA Dept. of Health about 1.1% of nursing home residents die.

So for some reason Tom Wolf and company feel the need to redistribute their failure to manager the people they are ultimately responsible for to the rest of us.

How have they done this?

We are under lock down, we the .00498% people who, through our own efforts, managed a very small death rate (589, lower than all PA gun violence according to this site:

They, with 1.1% of the deaths on their watch, seem to be free:

No masks.

No social distancing.

Yet they are responsible for a much higher percentage of deaths.

Socialism at its finest.

It's not just about redistributing your wealth.

It's also about redistributing the Pennsylvania Dept. of Health's failure.

That's why you are on lockdown and will remain so.

They are failing.

You are paying.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Coronavirus: Fauci's Trail of Covidcidental Tears

I love when a lot of coincidences suddenly appear in a cluster.

Our photo today is from 2014 and "the Syringe Access Fund Reception..."

(I guess Fauci also loves Nancy Pelosi...)

Many of you have probably seen the Georgetown University "there will be a surprise outbreak" video of Fauci:

After "the surprise outbreak" comment we hear Fauci say "... and I hope by the end of my relatively short presentation you will understand why history, the history of the last thirty two years I have been the director of the NAID will tell the next administration that there's no doubt in anyone's mind that they will be faced with the challenges that their predecessors were faced with."

I don't think the entire comment has been given full credit.

Let's take a look at some of this:

On 12 April 2020 ( we see "U.S. government gave $3.7million grant to Wuhan lab at center of coronavirus leak scrutiny that was performing experiments on bats from the caves."

On November 10, 2015 ( reports: "New SARS-like virus can jump directly from bats to humans, no treatment available Findings provide an opportunity to develop drugs and vaccines for coronaviruses before they emerges from animals to cause a human epidemic"

Hmmm... Bat's again.

The Science Daily article links to ( "A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence."

From this abstract we learn (note the underlined parts): "The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV underscores the threat of cross-species transmission events leading to outbreaks in humans. Here we examine the disease potential of a SARS-like virus, SHC014-CoV, which is currently circulating in Chinese horseshoe bat populations[1]. Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system[2], we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone. The results indicate that group 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild-type backbone can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV. Additionally, in vivo experiments demonstrate replication of the chimeric virus in mouse lung with notable pathogenesis. Evaluation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein. On the basis of these findings, we synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo. Our work suggests a potential risk of SARS-CoV re-emergence from viruses currently circulating in bat populations."

Hmmm, human infections, chimeric viruses, vaccines failed to neutralize, and "demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo"

So we created living things that lived in, I suppose, bats.

From the Asian Times ( we read: "... October 2014, the US government had placed a federal moratorium on gain-of-function (GOF) research ..."  (GOF = Gain-of-function euphemistically describes added additional "fatality capabilities" to existing organism.)

This was due to "lab accidents" which are described here (July 11, 2014):

Among the lab accidents were lost anthrax vials and a link to this interesting article (July 3, 2014): where "He's basically got a known pandemic strain that is now resistant to vaccination. Everything he did before was dangerous but this is even madder."

In October of 2014 the US Government put a pause of GOF-type research:

In 2017 the pause was lifted the NIH "continues to license the laboratory to receive American money for experiments." (

Somewhere around this time Fauci gives his speech.

The trail leads to 2018 when "... in January 2018 the US Embassy in Beijing sent cables warning about the safety of the Wuhan lab and asked for help." (see - may have to pay to see this link but no matter).

April 13, 2020 we find this article ( "Fauci’s NIAID Funded Wuhan Lab Scientists To Research Bat Coronavirus"

Here we link to ( where our friends at the Wuhan Institute of Virology appear again.  Many piglets died but no humans (remember GOF! GOF! GOF!).  Note this is a NAID web link form 2018.

Which leads us to <- a="" here.="" look="" p="" please="" take="">
Missing interns.

Opening infected dry ice at the bus stop.

And much more supposedly from hackers who have interesting Wuhan/Gates data:  Not quite any smoking guns but it sure is interesting how Fauci can predict the future.

Seems like a lot of interesting coincidences.

Without the Koch protocol to clearly create a causal link to whatever is killing people we will have to live with a PCR test which likely means nothing (see and

Certainly feel free to believe whatever you want about all these events.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Coronavirus: Dr Vladimir Zelenko and the Cure

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Dr Vladimir Zelenko has been curing for Coronavirus with the following protocol (soon to publish in JAMA) for perhaps six weeks or more.

I found him a while back but haven't had time to do a write up.

He uses the following protocol:

Hydroxychloroquine 200mg, 1 pill twice a day for 5 days,
Azithromycin (not a Z-pack) 500mg, 1 pill a day for five days
Zinc Sulfate 220mg 1 pill a day for five days

Zinc kills the virus and hydroxychloroquine in opens a channel in the cells allowing the zinc in. Azithromycin prevents general infection during the course of treatement.

A current interview (April 20, 2020) is available here:

Well worth  a listen.

He's been at this fora while (perhaps mid March): (Rudy Giuliani interview)

The governments of Brazil, Israel, Panama, Peru, Honduras, Ukraine, Russia, South Africa are all in contract with Dr. Zelenko regarding this protocol.

An inconvenient truth for Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates.

Is this BS?

Here: - of course, they misrepresent what Dr. Zelenko has said: "Could he [ Zelenko ] be right? Perhaps, but this report doesn't clarify. There is one biologically plausible belief underlying Dr. Zelenko's thought process. He believes that the hydroxy, to borrow Dr. Giuliani's phrase, reduces the viral load, while the azithromycin reduces bacterial overgrowth that frequently accompanies persistent pneumonia."

And here:

Note too, the link immediately above uses only hydroxychloroquine, not the cocktail suggested by Dr. Zelenko.

If I contract this, you can bet I will consider this very seriously...

Soon enough (he claims within a week or so) a JAMA (or other) published study.

I wonder what the benefit of suppressing this in the mean time might be?  After all Dr. Zelenko prescribes all of the above medications for other reasons - all without issue - and has so for at least a decade.

Zinc has been around for twenty five years as a weapon against Corono viruses in the context of the common cold.

I really appreciate his enthusiasm and I hope he is right.

He calls for war crime trials if this medication is proven effective and other medical professionals have actively withheld it from patients.

I think it's about time...

(Other things to consider along these same lines: and with zinc...)

Coronavirus: Significantly Reduced by Nicotine

Here's some inconvenient information: French researchers to test nicotine patches on coronavirus patients Study – which stresses serious health risks of smoking – suggest substance in tobacco may lower risk of getting coronavirus (see:

From the link: “Our cross-sectional study strongly suggests that those who smoke every day are much less likely to develop a symptomatic or severe infection with Sars-CoV-2 compared with the general population,” the Pitié-Salpêtrière report authors wrote.

The effect is significant. It divides the risk by five for ambulatory patients and by four for those admitted to hospital. We rarely see this in medicine,” it added.

Let that sink in: "We rarely see [ such a reduction in risk ] in medicine."

Oh the irony!

Cigarettes saving lives...

Look! There's those pesky Japanese, big on smoking, doing far better than US!

Of course, here's the disingenuous clap trap: "However, the researchers insisted they were not encouraging the population to take up smoking, which carries other potentially fatal health risks and kills 50% of those who take it up."

Much better to die now than ten, twenty, thirty or forty years from now...

Next up nicotine patches.

(God forbid that vaping nicotine would save you...)

You have to ask - do we really understand what's going on with all the medical stuff?

Of  course, there is no way anyone will ever suggest cigarettes or nicotine are helpful in anyway... Right up until they die of Coronavirus.

EDIT: 4/27/2020

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Coronavirus: Your Ignorance Will Kill You

I love to see these kinds of "charts" posted on Facebook and elsewhere:

So let's take a look in detail.

First off, "Denver" never has had 7,000,000 plus people (that's 70 x 100,000).

April 2020 there's around 700,000 in the actual city, 2,700,000 in the metro area.

In 1918 perhaps 256,000 according to

Good thing the people at the cited "Washington Post" are good reporters...

But no matter.

On to the next point...

So clearly the "Effect of first interventions" set things in motion to save a lot of people, right?

That's what this picture shows, right.  What would have happened to save everyone if the "interventions" were left in place.

We would expect this had the "interventions removed" not happened:

The blue line shows things end quickly...


But they don't.

Why not?

Because the disease progresses regardless of where it starts (as shown after the "interventions removed" removed point).  The virus replicates from even one single host, or a single disease carrying reservoir. 

It only case about possible hosts who can allow it reproduce.

Artificially delay it's spread and those hosts remain available to the disease.

After all the chart shows it starts with the "first case" - so we know what happens once it shows up in once person.  And this will just happen again and again until the supply of acceptable hosts either die or  become immune.

Social distancing merely delays the inevitable (clearly documented by scientists here:


So unless everyone is quarantined to the point where no more carriers exist (everyone that could be a carrier dies), we will get the giant mountain of disease again, and again, and again.

Sure, you can say - look social distancing has saved our hospitals - but now no one is there because they are afraid and so the hospital will go out of business.

(We don't know what we are doing.)

So while we could apply "interventions" and things might settle down they will always, suddenly, shoot up again killing more people.

Now imagine instead that nothing is done:

Things rise to the same, natural limit as occurred after the "interventions removed" and then taper of as history shows (green line).

Notice, though, cases end sooner and the large yellow block of "disease" never happens.

Impossible you say.

But the post "interventions removed" shows exactly what the disease does when stalled before running its course, it doesn't do not what you think it would do or what this stupid chart pretends to show.

It's like water, it finds its level regardless as long as there are potential hosts.

It doesn't care if you are sick or not.

(Nothing in reality can stop something on the scale of a virus, even an N95 mask lets 5% through.)

We don't have to guess what it will do.

So a diagram like the one at the top is very misleading.

It reflects what we want to believe and hope for, not what is actually going to happen.

More people die if we "intervene" and don't keep everyone in quarantine until there is no more possible sources.

(Can we protect people, sure, for a while, but all we really do is delay things.)

Since we live in a global world someone, somewhere will show up sick and kill everyone.

So, indeed, you are ignorant and this image at the top is ignorant of science.

Yes, it seems counter-intuitive, but it's science and if you understood it you wouldn't believe in the fairytale of the initial picture.

Next we say "those bumps in the numbers of infections" reflect the protests yesterday or the day before.  See how stupid those protestors are...

There is at least five days of incubation before symptoms appear (see  These won't show up for some time, and then only if the people involved get tested.

You are seeing other artifacts such as the states manipulating death counts.

So indeed, you are ignorant.

You are misleading others.

The "death" rate is the dead divided by the reported cases: 1,000 "confirmed" cases, 100 death, a 10% death rate...


Wrong.  We need to understand the total number of cases to calculate a "death rate."  We don't know this and we are finding out more every day (see

What you call the "death rate" is the number of serious cases that actually die.

This is always large, even for influenza.

But it also includes other factors such as treatment in a hospital (remember, doctors kill about 700 people in the US per day).

If 4% of LA county has this disease the death rate is not 1% or 5%.  It's more like .1% or the same as a bad flu.

We we only now have a test for the general population.  If there are this many in LA how many asymptomatic cases exist in the Northeast?

So indeed, you are ignorant.

Finally, if 4% of LA county has this flu you will get it.


Because it's pervasive in the US.  These people in LA, even if that's the only place it was, will spread it all over.  It's already on trucks, in stores, shipped to amazon, on planes.

Tens of thousands have it.  They drive, they travel, it's spreading...

It's too late.

This cat is out of the bag and it's not going back in.

It will spread and you will get it eventually.

All this "distancing" is simply delaying the inevitable.

Your ignorance will kill you and others.

It will make others believe in fairytales that won't come true.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Coronavirus: Sweden's Winning with No Lockdowns

I wrote about Sweden on April 1st, 2020: wondering about their "open" no lock down approach.

I wrote again about them April 15th, 2020 about how Sweden was doing better Michigan on Covid19 cases:

Now, twenty days after the first blog post we see this:

From the most recent article:

"The chief epidemiologist and top strategist for the Swedish government dealing with the coronavirus crisis, who championed the effort in Sweden to avoid a nationwide lockdown to deal with the issue, noted the slowing growth of new coronavirus cases in his country, saying that the numbers of people who had contracted the virus had slowed the growth of spreading the disease." [ underline mine ]

"Anders Tegnell stated, “According to our modelers, we are starting to see so many immune people in the population in Stockholm that it is starting to have an effect on the spread of the infection. Our models point to some time in May.” Acknowledging the roughly 1,500 people who have died in his country as well as the 14,385 people in Sweden who have tested positive for coronavirus, Tegnell said the situation “is not a failure for the overall strategy. It is a failure to protect our elderly who live in care homes,” as the New York Daily News reported."

Michigan, with roughly the same population as Sweden but using the "lock down" strategy, has about 2,500 deaths (about 66% more).

Clearly a life saving strategy as compared to Michigan.

"On Friday, Karin Tegmark Wisell, head of the microbiology department at Sweden’s Public Health Authority, said, “The trend we have seen in recent days, with a more flat curve — where we have many new cases, but not a daily increase — is stabilizing. We are seeing the same pattern for patients in intensive care.”

HSBC Global Research economist James Pomeroy added, “While Sweden’s unwillingness to lock down the country could ultimately prove to be ill-judged, for now, if the infection curve flattens out soon, the economy could be better placed to rebound.”

Matches up well with Dr. Frank's Models on Facebook (

"Bloomberg News reported that there were other factors that may have contributed to Sweden’s seeming success in dealing with the coronavirus issue: “ … the Swedish approach has drawn considerable interest around the world. Part of that approach relies on having access to one of the world’s best-functioning health-care systems. At no stage did Sweden see a real shortage of medical equipment or hospital capacity, and tents set up as emergency care facilities around the country have mostly remained empty.”

This last quote is, of course, disingenuous.

Today the WSJ is indicating up at 1.5 million "non-essential" health care professionals could be laid off (


Nothing to do at the hospitals...

EDIT: Similar thoughts being reported in Germany:

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Coronavirus: Reporting Bad Modeled Data is Fake News

We often hear about fake news.

Here is what you are being told about Covid19, which is fake news, versus actual data.

A variety of sources (listed on provide early estimates of the death rate.  As you will see they range from 3% to 14% of cases.

The mean of these early estimates is about 5.2%.

Plotting this "per day" against actual data from we see the following (red=deaths, blue=cases supposedly confirmed, and green=5.2% of cases):

Overall a pretty good estimate given A) the actual data and B) how little was known at the time these estimates were created (probably very accurate if pure Covid-19 deaths were plotted, but that's another post).

Note too that no one in these articles has any idea how many cases there actually are so no one is screaming "Fire!" at this point.

However, what was not known at the time the 5.2% was given was how many people actually had the disease.

Then on March 16, 2020 we see this report:

The report contains the following graph and is the source of the 2.2 million "deaths" the Covid-19 would bring:

From the NYT on March 16, 2020: "Whitehouse Takes New Line after Dire Death Toll" (see much of which is provided in "2.2 MILLION PEOPLE IN THE U.S. COULD DIE IF CORONAVIRUS GOES UNCHECKED": it's clear that someone at the Whitehouse had this model and used it.  Dr. Birx indicates the internal Whitehouse knowledge was "consistent" with the "Imperial College" model.

However, they reproduce the exact same graphic.

So now we have "Fire!" from the New York Times.  (From Sheri Fink no less, a MD and PhD from Stanford.  However, this seems less about investigative reporting that merely republishing a bad model.  Unfortunately this time it seems the model is somewhat different than reality.)

If we divide the number of deaths by cases assuming as studies have shown (see: that we know of about one case for every sixty or so actual cases we see this:

(The spikes here are probably noise in the data.  But again, we don't have any consistent means to know anything about Covid-19 deaths or what's being reported related to them.)

The mean of of the above data is about .1..2% deaths across the likely full spectrum of infections; very similar to a bad influenza year (in fact, perhaps we have seen this before and it's what makes a bad influenza year).

Again, we don't know for sure though the trend in discovering the validity of our estimates still trends toward lower death rates (which too may change).

After a few weeks (March 29th, 2020) we here the following from CNN (see:

"Looking at what we're seeing now," Dr. Fauci said, "we're going to have millions of cases" in the United States, and it is reasonable to expect "between 100,000 and 200,000" deaths. But he cautioned that "I just don't think that we really need to make a projection, when it's such a moving target, that you can so easily be wrong and mislead people." Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House's COVID-19 task force, yesterday cited similar but somewhat less alarming estimates, saying "between 80,000 and 160,000, maybe even potentially 200,000 people," could be killed by COVID-19 in the United States."

Yet again, at this point, no one knows how many total actual cases there are.

So in two weeks the "death toll" goes from 2,200,000 million dead to perhaps 10% of that at 200,000.

But what matters again is how many people get the disease.

If 300,000 get it and 200,000 die its a a 33% death rate.

If 300,000,000 get and 200,000 die its a .033% death rate (again, essentially influenza).

Instead of waiting until we know what's happening we are merely screaming "Fire!" in a crowded theater.

Do you yell "Fire!" if you're not sure it's smoke?

Perhaps if there are ten people in the IMAX just to be sure you can say, "hey, I smell smoke" and everyone will get out safely.

But as soon as people's livelihoods can be destroyed by your decision you need to be much more circumspect.

So even asking about the "panicdemic" on Facebook without understanding what's happening merely fans the flames.

The various data points don't line up and haven't since the start which is why the blog posts are here.

Sadly, few will actually understand...

But no matter, they don't have to because the stampede they cause which harms people isn't their problem either.

Coronavirus: Masks and Gloves are a Joke

If you are a humanities major, art major, socialist, communist, don't understand fractions, Facebook rocket scientist, can't understand "big words," hate technology but own a phone, etc. the image below is all you need to know.

You are going to die from Coronavirus.

So better throw yourself out the window right now...

On the other hand, if you passed high school algebra or are a construction worker that can understand fractions or a random redneck skip the above image and move on to the actual content below.

So let's think about viruses in general in terms of size:

A virus is unimaginably small.  I routinely work at a scale of around 5 µm so I am familiar with things at the size of blood cells.

To review the image above.  Most people can imagine the size of a human hair.  A cross section of the human hair is covered by about fifteen (15) red blood cells.

Each red blood cell is about twenty five (25) bacteria across.

And about ten (10) viruses fit across a single bacteria.  

A virus is around the twice the size of a gate on the iPhone 11 ARM processor:

Routinely people work in environments where they are trying not to EMIT viral particles into chip fab equipment:

And regardless of the equipment used viruses, among other things, spoil the fab manufacturing.  

Viruses are much larger than the gates masked onto the silicone.  So a virus on the mask spoils the exposure (exposure success ranges from 30% to 80%:

(Exposure masks are basically stencils with 7nm holes through which high energy photons pass to indicate where the chip structures are etched.)

These chip foundry guys really care about contamination and have for decades.

They do well, but at best you are looking at 20% of the viral contamination getting through.

Now whether or not you wear an "N95" mask (which presumes limiting viral particles to 5%) the rest of you is a viral magnet (notice they are wearing full body suits).

You can expect a virus density in the random real world of say 18,000 viral genome copies per cubic meter airborne "... total virus concentrations ranged from 5800 to 37 000 genome copies m^3." see

So conservatively a Walmart with a 30' ceiling would have around 30,000 cubic meters of air with an estimate 500,000,000 (one half billion) airborne viruses.  If you "fit" into two cubic meters of space that means 36K viruses in the air around you at all times.

Your "N95" mask will let through about 1,800 viruses continuously.

Your clothing allow even more because even a 3,000 thread count per inch leaves "holes" of 8µm so 400 viruses can pass through each square hole between threads.

Effectively your clothing is totally transparent to the airborne virus load.

As you walk the viruses move through your clothing.

So why wear a mask?

As for surfaces, viruses are everywhere (see:  You can expect virtually every surface to have some viruses.

While a virus cannot pass through plastic they stick to it.

Basically you are wearing a "virus mop" that picks up viruses and transmits them to whatever else you touch - including you (see:

And unless you really understand how to remove gloves all you are doing when taking them off is spreading them around.

So the bottom line?

Nothing you are doing in terms of gloves or masks makes a damn bit of difference.

If it did the semiconductor industry would have figured it out a decade ago when working a 20nm mask sizes.

But they don't have a magic bullet.

If they did they would be using it.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Coronavirus: Bankrupting Pennsylvania

This 1999 movie Fight Club movie scene tells the future: "Do not fuck with us..."

Remember Fight Club?

Tyler Durden: "God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off."

You probably don't - you have an education, you don't clean sewers or fix broken equipment.  You went to school to be better than the rest...

---- Fast Cut: ----

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is bankrupt (

"Despite billions of dollars for states in the federal stimulus package approved by Congress last month, and another stimulus measure potentially in the works, Republican state Rep. Frank Ryan said the state must do more to prepare for the economy and the state’s financial situation to worsen.   

State tax revenues are spiraling downward as record numbers of workers are laid off and businesses shuttered. It’s gotten so bad that Gov. Tom Wolf told 9,000 state workers their paychecks will be withheld by the end of next week.

The need to balance the budget may prompt the state to borrow more as it faces a revenue deficit that could range from $3 billion to $6 billion, depending on the duration of the downturn, said Ryan, of Lebanon County. That’s between 8 percent and 16 percent of the state budget.


House Appropriations Chairman Stan Saylor, a York County Republican, in a letter to GOP lawmakers this week said states are “facing the potential for some of the largest revenue drops in modern history.” 

He said the state may face a recession.


If the virus continues unabated for months, off-the-charts unemployment rates will deplete state revenues and Pennsylvania state government will face the prospect of cutting programs and potentially massive layoffs."

On April 13th the "northeast governors" of the bank-corupt states got together to form a working group on Covid19.

(Secret: They are all in debt up to their eyeballs and need federal bailouts to make them even pretend to be solvent...)

Coincidently (use the Secret knowledge above) the death tolls jumped the next day (to sample just a few participants, red line on 4/13):

Must be just a coincidence right?

Sure it is...

Just like letting everyone go to Walmart, Home Depot, and the rest is okay - they can socialize there - but not anywhere else...?


How did Pennsylvania get into this situation?

I guess the buck stops with old Tom Wolf (shown here not wearing his mask, but you should must).

Looks like the PA Unemployment fund is in danger too... 

(see: having just recovered from the last crisis).

But you feel good.  He's a pot guy and we got our pot...  and billions in debt.

New Jersey will probably end up in the same boat too (see - the article linked was written about a month ago.  They have proportionally less money and fewer people than PA.

Trillions more will flow out from the Federal Government.

From where, the check printing machines, of course.  During the 2008 downturn I distinctly recall (and may have even blogged about it) the fact that there was no process to stop printing government checks.

(NJ, BTW - Looking for COBOL programmers to shore up their state-of-the-art data processing center - psst: Don't tell them your phone has more computer horse power):

Clearly the Fed merely waves its magic wand, buys up the new USA debt, and boom, the bank accounts have money (just mount another 9-track spinning tape...)

So if there's, let's say, $200 trillion floating around, and you borrow $2 trillion more, everyone's dollar just diminished in value by 1%. 

This has been going on since 1972 so its little wonder a 1972 dollar buys about ten times more.

And what about all the part time workers?

They are just shoved off into no man's land.  No safety net, no job, no job prospects, nothing.

They can't work.

They also can't spend money, thus generating sales taxes for the state.

So the states, with their lock downs, have crushed probably one part timer for every new unemployment claim.

Here's a sample (from

Probably two million in PA out of work, not generating sales taxes, gas taxes, etc. etc. to fill the coffers.

So while you sit safely in your Covid-blocked house, wearing your comfy Covid19 mask, luxuriating in your rolls of toilet paper, remember: you are special.  You didn't have to fire or layoff your employees on a moments notice.  You didn't have to destroy their future, their life, their family.  You didn't have to give them food and drink because they had none.  You don't have to give them hope. 

No, you were safe and happy...

Or are you?

Or are you just afraid?

Afraid the real people see you and what you've done.

To the people.

To the state.

To the country.

But you're safe...

---- Fast Cut: ----

This 1999 movie Fight Club movie scene tells the future. 

"Do not fuck with us..."

Million upon millions of unemployed:

"No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives.


And we're very, very pissed off."

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Coronavirus: Epic Swedish Michigan Fail

I wrote this on April 1, 2020:

So how's Sweden doing?

A damn site better than the state of Michigan here in the US:

Here's the numbers from

The stats tell it all.

Sweden and Michigan each have about 10 million people.

Sweden doesn't do much of anything other than expect common sense for the Corona Virus.

Michigan, on the other hand, is piloted by an absolute idiot.

There is no power on earth more powerful than stupidity...

In Michigan you can't go anywhere, do anything, nothing...

May as well be a Jew in Nazi Germany in the late1930's.

No grass seed, no paint, no plants...

I bet the Swede's are all laughing at US.