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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Coronavirus: Significantly Reduced by Nicotine

Here's some inconvenient information: French researchers to test nicotine patches on coronavirus patients Study – which stresses serious health risks of smoking – suggest substance in tobacco may lower risk of getting coronavirus (see:

From the link: “Our cross-sectional study strongly suggests that those who smoke every day are much less likely to develop a symptomatic or severe infection with Sars-CoV-2 compared with the general population,” the Pitié-Salpêtrière report authors wrote.

The effect is significant. It divides the risk by five for ambulatory patients and by four for those admitted to hospital. We rarely see this in medicine,” it added.

Let that sink in: "We rarely see [ such a reduction in risk ] in medicine."

Oh the irony!

Cigarettes saving lives...

Look! There's those pesky Japanese, big on smoking, doing far better than US!

Of course, here's the disingenuous clap trap: "However, the researchers insisted they were not encouraging the population to take up smoking, which carries other potentially fatal health risks and kills 50% of those who take it up."

Much better to die now than ten, twenty, thirty or forty years from now...

Next up nicotine patches.

(God forbid that vaping nicotine would save you...)

You have to ask - do we really understand what's going on with all the medical stuff?

Of  course, there is no way anyone will ever suggest cigarettes or nicotine are helpful in anyway... Right up until they die of Coronavirus.

EDIT: 4/27/2020

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