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Sunday, May 17, 2020

PA Brings "Dram Shop Law" to Nursing Homes

Pennsylvania establishments serving liquor are subject to "Dram Shop Law" ( - basically the idea is that if you server a "visibly intoxicated person" you, the waitstaff, owner, etc. is responsible after an accident regardless.

Wait, are the service people driving the car?


How is this reasonable?

It's not.

It's a hand out to trial lawyers to get you and your insurance company to fund irresponsible behavior.

Lawyers have turned this into a tool to extract money from the misery of others an accident.

You, the bar owner, are never convicted under the "Dram Shop Law"- the responsible person (who drove the car) finds a lawyer and blames the bar owner who should have known the patron was intoxicated.

Note that someone with a .1 (PA is .08) comes in behaving normally - no visible symptoms - and is served on drink.  This person leaves and has an accident.  The last waitstaff/bar/restaurant to have served this individual is now responsible...

Now look what the Pennsylvania Attorney General is up to: "Pennsylvania AG Opens Criminal Probes Into Nursing Homes Long-term care facilities have struggled for months to contain the coronavirus" (

We KNOW that Levine and Wolf forced home to take Covid-19 ill patients.

And boom, just like a bar, now the home will be responsible for lack of testing, death, harm, etc.

Why would anyone want to run a nursing home or bar in Pennsylvania?

Why would anyone want to live where people who are not responsible have the behavior of those that are forced onto them?

Wake up!

Where will grandma go if all the nursing homes are forced go out of business?

It's not like anyone predict any of this: the nursing home owner could never have predicted this.

Will you, soccer mom, quit your job to take care of grandma?

The problems here are much, much larger than Wolf and Levine...

General lack of owning responsibility for your own actions is the problem here.

Mr. Attorney General needs to start with those responsible: Wolf and Levine.


  1. Exactly people want to put blame in everyone else

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