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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Pandemic Swine Flu of 1976: I Survived

My personal account from the pandemic Swine Flu of 1976:

I really fail to see why there is so much faith in medicine and science - please read on and you'll see why...

My first pandemic was in 1976.

I was nineteen years old.

The prediction: Twenty two (22,000,000) million people were going to die of swine flu.

The truth: Exactly one person died of the "swine flu" - the person that the medical geniuses believed was going to start the pandemic (of influenza A virus subtype H1N1) in the first place - a soldier at Fort Dix, New Jersey. The rest of the “swine flu” deaths (many) died of various "medical" problems with the vaccine itself: 450 of the millions vaccinated got Guillain-BarrĂ©, some heart attacks, etc. (

Tens of millions of dollars were spent in 1975-1976 on vaccines.

Yet people died for the wrong reason and exactly nothing was wrong in the entire country other than some soldier died after a 5-mile forced march and several others were hospitalized with the flu.

The vaccine killed more people than the disease. 

The toll today in the case of Covid19 will likely be far greater for the survivors who will lose their jobs, their homes, their livelihoods.  The resulting recession will likely put millions out of work. Many will suffer from depression, anxiety, and various other mental ills.

Sure, people will die of Covid19.

I may.

But every year, in the US alone, an average of some forty thousand people (40,000) die of the flu.

The deaths in today's pandemic are rounding errors.

Will it get worse?

It’s hard to say…

Are we any smarter than we were in 1976?

I think not.

People used to be brave.

Today most are cowering in the "jamies" at home fearful that they will run out of toilet paper...

(I wonder what they will need it for because they are not buying food, er, rather they are buying small amounts of bad food, but that's another blog post...)

We can also thank our stupid open border policy which even allows people with Ebola into the country (see:  We allow people from countries with a far lower medical standards to freely enter the US.

Ebola is not like the Corvid19.

It's bad, very bad.

Yet we let them right into the US in 2014 (see:

What did we expect then?

What do we expect now?

I survived 1976 because I realized the "slaughter house" nature of the vaccine lines: people who had no clue what the government was about to do to them line up like train passengers being told Auschwitz wasn't going to hurt them.

There was something very creepy and weird about it.

I remember seeing the line to this day.

(A little voice said "don't do it...")

People die from flu every year, perhaps forty thousand (40,000) on average in the US of all ages, health situations, etc.

Had none of this Corvid19 been publicized no one would have even have noticed unless many tens of thousands died. And even then it might only be considered a bad flu year like 2017-18 where an extra twenty thousand more died in the US under Trump I might add.  Yet I don't recall any FB posts from that US flu epidemic.

I have survived three other pandemics (see: 1957-58, 1968 and 2009 (which I don't believe ever happened:

I have never seen such cowardice, stupidity, selfishness or shame.

In 1968 one hundred thousand people died (mostly elderly:

From this ( Covid19 was the eighth largest cause of death in Italy.

Eighth - Seven deadlier killers which, from the look of it, are mostly related to smoking.

From the above Brookings link.

Now imagine if Italy had adopted vaping earlier on?

Why Covid19 would be the number one killer...

Perhaps now you understand what it means to survive a pandemic...

1 comment:

  1. but the vaccine prevented even more deaths. your own source says that it is unclear if it was actually caused by the vaccine
