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Saturday, February 18, 2023

Huntington Bank and ChatGPT: Statistically Not Reality

I recently chatted with ChatGPT.  What a stupid and sad program.

I asked it ( "So there is no correlation between your answers and actual reality ..."

"... my responses are generated based on statistical patterns in language data, and are not always representative of objective reality or truth. It is important to interpret and evaluate the information provided by an AI language model like myself with an appropriate level of skepticism and critical thinking."

So ChatGPT is basically a glorified spell corrector. 

It's remarkable that anyone would give a rat's ass about this thing.

It's neither an AI nor anything else interesting.

Fortunately I am not fooled by this nonsense but apparently everyone else is: in the Wall Street Journal, which should know better, spouts nonsense like this: "The AI Boom That Could Make Google and Microsoft Even More Powerful."

As I see it people are getting dumber and dumber - and this shit show simply adds to the speed at which this occurs.

The most basic flaws in even Google search (and YouTube) - the case where you search for something you don't like and google makes money selling your search results to people who then try to sell you the same products you don't like - have not been addressed (nor in fact can they). Why not you ask?  Because these tools have no real context.  If I search for "dogs" no AI or search engine will never know why unless I tell it or lie to it.

It's hard to imagine why any company, in this case "Huntington Bank", would buy ads this ridiculous:

Further, why would I - clearly not in the ad's demographic - would react in anything but a negative way when shone this add (often repeatedly about every few minutes or so on YouTube) - hundreds of times - each time more annoying than the last.

Even better is the quote shown in the ad: "That's kind of unbelievable - Rebekah, Pennsylvania".

Believability is a binary choice - either it is or is not believable.  Yet here we specify "kind of" - which offers nothing that relates to banking.

There's another ad just as dumb (from the video below)...

For whatever reason I only ever see these two.  We can see the nonsensical reasons the ads where created in this video:

So, Huntington Bank, and specifically Nikia Reveal, Brand Director (real name?) and Julia Tutkovics, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer - why is Huntington Bank buying ad time on YouTube for me?

Why are you wasting your money?  (Of course, I am sure you're paying some tiny fraction of a cent.  But that's not the point.  You are damaging your reputation with me (someone who has money in the bank).  Perhaps your plan is to fleece young people with "shiny, spinning toys"?)

YouTube knows I don't fit your demographic yet it takes your money to show me these inappropriate ads.

Nikia and Julia - I hope you realize that YouTube knows everything about me and, based on my history there as well as through my extensive use of Google and this Google-sponsored blog, have exactly zero interest in your ads.  In fact, I so despise them so much that I am writing this blog about them (at least in part).

The question is who is being fleeced by who here?