Honduras Brings Covid Under Control With Over-the-Counter Meds |
Honduras, a poor, Central American country, is able to control Covid with simple, low-cost over-the-counter medications. Through the excellent scientific skills of Dr. Fernando Valerio, followed exactly the processes outlined by Dr. Peter McCullough in various interviews.
Recently Dr. Peter McCullough was interviewed by Joe Rogan:
You should watch these videos for yourself.
McCullough makes many claims. For example: sinus flushing can significantly affect Covid outcomes, that there is a "vaccine" conspiracy to utilize untested vaccines over simple preventative measures, the vaccine causes a statistically significant number heart problems, VAERS data is underreported, and that simple, preventative treatments actually work (ivermectin, etc.)
The responses to this Joe Rogan video were predictable. Typical responses can be seen here:
In general you see attacks on McCullough and claims he's full of scientific shit.
Now in general, what would someone believe?
The media, of course. At least in the modern, "western" world. McCullough and the like are quacks.
Unfortunately for western media and medicine, there are now far too many facts that show McCullough and his ilk are right. Facts out of the control of the western media.
First, vaccination doesn't control Covid. For example:
Highly Vaccinated Israel Is Seeing A Dramatic Surge In New COVID Cases. Here's Why
Second, attacking the messenger proves nothing. Science is about data, not people issues with those presenting the data.
Third, according to Columbia University hundreds of thousand of US Covid deaths could have been avoided and many, many vaccine deaths are under reported: “130,000 – 210,000 AVOIDABLE COVID-19 DEATHS – AND COUNTING – IN THE U.S.” By Irwin Redlener, MD; Jeffrey D. Sachs, PhD; Sean Hansen, MPA; Nathaniel Hupert, MD, MPH October 21, 2020" and "COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk." - The west isn't doing as well as they want you to believe...
Fourth, it's not just Dr. McCullough saying this: "San Juan Summit: 8 Prominent Doctors and Scientists Engage in a Remarkable Exchange" - he's not a crack pot, not a "lone wolf."
(Remember kids, western media and science is just like a high school clique - if you're in you have to love the cliques choice of prom queen.)
And, finally and to my mind most interestingly, is Honduras:
Honduras is a Central American straddling the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific ocean. It's a small, poor country. They are also poor in modern "western" medical resources (image from the video below):
Video: How does Honduras continue to CRUSH COVID-19? With Dr Fernando Valerio
With this video is this paper: Early multidrug treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and decreased casefatality rates in Honduras
Their early treatment technique?
MAIZ (corn): mouth wash (McCullough), Azithromycin (this blog: https://lwgat.blogspot.com/2020/04/coronavirus-dr-vladimir-zelenko-and-cure.html via Zelenko, McCullough), Ivermectin (horse dewormer in the "western media") - there are more cheap and effective elements to this but in general this is how you get things done in a land without Fauci's remdesivir.
The results are the graphic at the top of blog.
Covid under control... for pennies on the dollar. In a country with .4 hospital beds per 100,000 population.
Imagine that!
Dr. Fernando Valerio - the architect of this strategy, is a real scientific hero.
McCullough also covers sinus flushing. A topic covered here a decade ago: https://lwgat.blogspot.com/2011/08/bioweapons-in-your-sinus-part-ii.html
Note that using sinus flushing regularly basically takes Covid off the table, at least according to McCullough. I've been practicing it for at least 15 years and I have to say I agree. Modern technology is covered (vaporizers and peroxide, for example) is discussed in videos like this:
Today, even Mrs. Wolf is on board.
The saddest part of all this is that not only does the media and modern "western" medicine ignore the big picture but they also do not think or question anything for themselves.
Honduras is proof.