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Thursday, August 4, 2022

Another Email from Putin...

As you may recall a few years back I had a detailed correspondence with Putin regarding the state of elections in the US (see: and

I had not had any contact with Putin in some time so I thought our days of correspondence had ended, especially due to Ukraine.

But yesterday, lo and behold, I received a new email:

Dear Mr. Lone Wolf - 

Much has transpired since last I wrote regarding my voting in your 2016 US election.

I thought it important to bring you and your readers up to speed on my view of current events.

As you know, Russia has significantly advanced the lives of its citizenry over the last thirty years.  As a people we now travel and work freely abroad, including in the US and western Europe.  We regularly post Youtube videos regarding Russian life which, despite world events, are uncensored and monetized. 

I am quite proud of this, especially considering Russian and Soviet history.

Unfortunately for you and the United States, Ms. Pelosi and "the big guy" are working diligently to implement the 1963 agenda of communism and censorship espoused by the Soviet empire - I believe have you covered this agenda in one of your blogs [indeed - see:].  Remarkably they are doing quite will at this. 

I personally find it fascinating that Google, your blog provider, would delete your original post related to these matters.  I see also your posts regarding masks, vaccines and Ms. Jessica Rose on Twitter, for example, have been censored on various social media platforms [again, indeed and  see:].

Regardless it is important that correct information regarding vaccines, Ukraine, Russian life and so forth are available uncensored on platforms such as Telegram and Substack.  I am glad to see you following Dr. Robert Malone, Joe Rogan, Patrick Lancaster, Eli from Russia,"The Duran" and "Brian Berletic's New Atlas."

My pensioner friends from the Soviet KGB and TASS "olden days," as you say, are quite in awe of how your "western media" is able to totally control and manipulate the thoughts of the US and western populace.  Try as we might we Soviets could never pull the "wool", as you say, over our populations' eyes as they have. 

Perhaps your citizens are not as smart as Russians?

Some final thoughts.  

I also flattered to see "the big guy" working hard on our behalf to make a gold-backed ruble the viable reserve currency to replace the US dollar.  Whether you agree with our "special military action" or not it does not seem to be in the West's bests interest to dislodge the US dollar from this position.  Yet that appears to be his ultimate goal.

I also wonder how "the big guy" will afford to implement a "green" energy policies once China and Xi back into a ruble-based BRICS reserve currency?

Truly "the big guy" is quite an embarrassment on the international stage - you see I am quite the fan of Australia's Sky News.

Thanks you and regards - 


Time to check the email headers...

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