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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Miss Information Censors Your Health

I distinctly remember all those who thought it dangerous (or you were an idiot) for people to "get their medical treatment from Facebook" during the long two years of "the Covid."

Musicians, laborers, random Walmart folks in the checkout line, health care professionals, all saying you have to "trust the science" - posting "I trust the science" in various ways.  "Wear a mask or you'll kill me" was one of my favorites.

Jabbing their kids, driving unvaccinated and unmasked family members out of the house for holidays...

I wonder where all these folks got their "medical" information?

Well here's a clue:

Turns out your favorite mindless old fool of a president and his government was directly conspiring with our dear friends at Facebook, Twitter, etc. to tell you what to think about vaccines and Covid.  

Yes, the CDC told Google, Facebook, Twitter and the like to remove your legitimate health care related posts as "misinformation."

For example:


Now, regular folks are not scientists and, on the other hand, they are also not stupid.  If healthy, never sick little Suzy starts bleeding out a day after her vaccination her family has the right to express legitimate concerns (microchips or not).  Her family, in the United States, are free from government control in what they speak about this event.

So, taking this particular censorship comment, let's compare it with the truth and science - from PubMed - which reveals those concerns are legitimate:

Evaluation of menstrual irregularities after COVID-19 vaccination: Results of the MECOVAC survey ... According to our data analysis, approximately 50-60% of reproductive-age women who received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine reported menstrual cycle irregularities, regardless of the type of administered vaccine. [emphasis mine] The occurrence of menstrual irregularities seems to be slightly higher (60-70%) after the second dose. Menstrual irregularities after both the first and second doses of the vaccine were found to self-resolve in approximately half the cases within two months. Based on these results, we suggest to consider these elements during the counselling of women who receive the COVID-19 vaccine, letting them know about the potential occurrence of temporary and self-limiting menstrual cycle irregularities in the subsequent month(s).

Note this is not a causal link but the study raises the same concerns as women were posting who were censored.  Someone experiencing real symptoms and speaking about it on one of these platforms was silenced by the Joe Biden Nancy Pelosi government.

Further, this study was conducted a year down the road from the "censoring."  So you may think the "censorship" at the time was okay since "science" showed no problems at that point in time.  

You would be wrong, however, because the government doesn't get to tell you what to think or say.  From a medical perspective the "censorship" may have caused you, for example, to take a vaccine that, given real information, you would otherwise have avoided quite legitimately.  The science may ultimately prove the censors correct, but that still doesn't give them the right to censor in the first place.

There is a dump at the AFLegal site of some hundreds of pages of similar censorship - many individual cases of censorship per page.

Twitter, Facebook, Google - they were all in on it with the CDC.

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