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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Canadian Covid Tribunals: Recommendations not Laws

A few days ago I wrote "FDA: Liar, Liar Pants On Fire".

The gist of this is that the FDA claims its position on Ivermectin was only a "recommendation" and therefore the FDA is not liable for any lawsuits as a result of actions taken on behalf of these "recommendations".

Perhaps, I thought, this is just one lawsuit, one instance.  So perhaps I was mistaken.

Unfortunately for those impacted, there is now foreign confirmation of this.

I watched a portion of the live stream identified by (Thanks to the Unconditional Jessica blog on substack for sharing the video link!)

"This Wednesday, November 23, 2022 at 9:00 am (Eastern Standard Time), there will be a tribunal hearing in the case of Drs. Phillips, Trozzi, and Luchkiw. In my expert opinion, the overwhelming weight of the peer-reviewed scientific literature shows that these are doctors that had incredible foresight and courage at a time when their views were considered unpopular by less critically thinking physicians. Their abilities to practice medicine have been restricted by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Personally, I am keen to observe if this will be a COVID-19-related legal decision that is made based on the weight of the scientific evidence. If so, it will be a conspicuously rare occurrence in Canada where COVID-19-related legal decisions have been made based on anything but the evidence. In this country, legal proceedings can be overseen by the public" [underline mine].

Below is a live feed from Ontario - not sure how long it will be on, or if there will be a recorded video after the hearing is over.

So what's important about this video?

The key takeaway here is that, in Canada, the defense of these doctors by their lawyer is that the Canadian health authorities (the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario above) did not and do not have the authority to enforce anything but the law.

And, as it turns out, the only thing the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario for Covid did was to make "recommendations."  Recommendations on how to treat Covid.

Thus, according to their lawyer, there is simply no case against these doctors because going against a "recommendation" is not illegal.  The lawyer made a persuasive case all the way up to the Canadian Supreme Court doctors have the freedom to treat patients as they see fit so long as they do not violate the law.

Therefore actions taken against the doctors to interfere with their practice of medicine are in fact the crimes.

I do not know when the "results" of these hearings will be made public but I hope it will be soon.

So, to my original post.

Indeed, the defense of the FDA and CDC will be they must made recommendations.

On the other hand, private and public agencies that interfered doctors treating patients (as well, I believe, private and public agencies interfering with business operations, food preparation and delivery, etc. etc.) are going to end up being liable for damages to these doctors, individuals and business.

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