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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

How the Pfizer Vaccine Alters your Cells

From the FDA: - So how does it work?

Simple: RNA from the vaccine enters your cells and your cells manufacture P2 S - a mutant of the virus.  The mutant P2 S is incorporated by your cells into their membranes.  You body sees these mutants and develops an immune response.  The P2 S contains the "spike" which allows your immune system to recognize the Covid-19 "spike."

Note that your DNA is not altered.  But presumably all the cells the vaccines enter are (otherwise they couldn't manufacture the PS 2.

Are these types of vaccine safe or proven historically?  No.

( "mRNA vaccines represent a promising alternative to conventional vaccine approaches because of their high potency, capacity for rapid development and potential for low-cost manufacture and safe administration. However, their application has until recently been restricted by the instability and inefficient in vivo delivery of mRNA. ..."

You decide...




MEETING DATE: 10 December 2020

Page 11:

2.2. RNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Formulation

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is based on an RNA-LNP platform of nucleoside modified RNA, which has blunted innate immune sensor activating capacity and thus augmented antigen expression. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, BNT162b2 (30 µg), encodes a P2 mutant S (P2 S) and is formulated in LNPs. Encapsulation into LNPs enables transfection of the RNA into host cells after intramuscular (IM) injection. These LNPs are composed of four different lipids in a defined ratio. During mixing of the RNA and the dissolved lipids, the lipids form the nanoparticles encapsulating the RNA. After injection, the LNPs are taken up by the cells, and the RNA is released into the cytosol. In the cytosol, the RNA is translated to the encoded viral protein. The P2 S antigen incorporates into cellular membranes and induces an adaptive immune response. As S is the antigen that recognizes ACE2 and enables infection of the host cells, it is a key target of virus neutralizing antibodies. Furthermore, as RNA-expressed S is fragmented intracellularly, the resulting peptides can be presented at the cell surface, triggering a specific T cell-mediated immune response with activity against the virus.

cy·to·sol - the aqueous component of the cytoplasm of a cell, within which various organelles and particles are suspended.

Translation is the process by which a protein is synthesized from the information contained in a molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA).

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Covid On Trial: Tunnelton Inn vs PA LCB

Statement of Interest

If you are a bar or restaurant/bar owner in Pennsylvania with an LCB license you now have an opportunity to assist your fellow restaurant/bar/business/musicians/staff/etc. (this may well apply to Hair Salons, Gyms, etc.) owners in getting out from under little Tommy Wolf’s “Covid Orders.”

The underlying basis for the Tunnelton case is that the “Covid” orders are unconstitutional: there is no “law” involved and the government cannot enforce anything but law.  The Tunnelton Inn's contention is Wolf simply made up “orders” and then tried to get everyone believe he made law without the PA Legislature.  

Now little Tommy himself refused to go along with losing his Covid powers in June, 2020 (see:

Little Tommy's “Covid powers" come from a law that also allows the legislature to take them away by their vote - minus Wolf’s involvement.  Wolf argued successfully that "law" only occurs when both legislature and governor act together.  So, little Tommy, why doesn’t your standard apply to everyone else regarding Covid orders - they are not law if the legislature does not pass them (recall Wolf marching at a BLM rally when he had forbidden gatherings that large)?

Attached to this post is a “Verified Statement of Interest” - as a Pennsylvania Bar or Bar/Restaruant owner please consider signing it if you believe in law and the Constitution of the United States.

If you do sign it email (or a picture of it signed) it to Eric (see below).  You can also fax or USPS mail it as well.

The goal here is to convince the judge that a ruling is needed and not to let the PALCB simply walk away from the case.

Though understand: By them walking away the Tunnelton Inn wins.  And anyone else with a shutdown order can easily get into the same position (using Eric/EAT) to shut them down.

I believe the problem they face is should the PALCB lose then all of little Tommy’s orders will not only be unconstitutional (via the Stickman case brought by Butler County businesses) but also there will be case law showing they are not law.

This case is made possible by Entrepreneurs Against Tyranny (EAT - See Facebook and "Taste of Sicily" - Taste of Sicily took the PA Health Department to court via EAT and won.

[[ COMMUNICATION FROM TUNNELTON INN LAWYER (Eric)  TO Entrepreneurs Against Tyranny (Mike) ]]]


Please distribute this e-mail to anyone you think may be interested.

As we discussed, I represent Tunnelton Inn in Indiana County. Tunnelton Inn has given me permission to publicly discuss their situation.

Tunnelton Inn is owned by a married couple, Donna and Todd Kueny. Their liquor license is owned by a company- Falcornetix.

Tunnelton Inn has chosen not to follow  the COVID-19 orders. 

On November 2, 2020, the PLCB issued a 14 day suspension Notice to the Tunnelton Inn. On November 3, 2020, we filed an appeal to the Court of Common Pleas of Indiana County. The Court issued a supersedeas, which meant that Tunnelton Inn did not have to close. A trial is presently set for December 18, 2020.

On December 3, 2020, a received a call from PLCB who stated that they would be withdrawing their suspension notice. While that is a partial victory, it does not resolve the underlying legal question. Tunnelton Inn and I have discussed the situation and they would like to get the Court to rule on the underlying legal issues.

Even if a party tries to withdraw a case, it is still possible to get a court to rule on legal issues if you can demonstrate that an issue is of great public importance and is capable of repetition yet evading review.

I need to be able to demonstrate to the Court in Indiana County that this is an issue of great public importance. The court could still use its discretion and refuse to hear the issue, but I want to give the Court as little wiggle room as possible.

I believe the best way to do so is to get as many liquor license holders as possible to sign a statement that this is of importance to them.

I am attaching a proposed verification form. Could you please circulate this to any  interested parties and return to me. This can be returned to me by fax or e-mail.

This form is not legally binding in any way. All that it states is that the signer understands the issue, believes it to be important and would like the court to rule on it.

Please have people contact me with any questions.

Eric Winter, Esq.
Prince Law Offices, P.C.
646 Lenape Rd
Bechtelsville, PA 19505
610-845-3903 (fax)

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Building OSX Julia Command Line Executables

I have been wanting to use Julia (I am using version 1.5.3 installed in /Applications) for some time.  I primarily develop on Mac OSX (I run Mojave 10.14.6) and needed to convert some interpreted code I was developing into a command line executable.

About the closest description of what I needed to do came from this ("Vangelis") and this ("Part 2").

Julia is an JIT/REPL/world language.  By "world" I mean that it's like Smalltalk or LISP: you have a garbage-collected "world" in which everything occurs and gets saved.  There are a variety of tools like Atom/JUNO that make development quite efficient and easy which is why I want to use it (as well as for its data capabilities).

Vangelis was a persistent bastard - it took him almost four months to figure it out.  Unfortunately his work didn't occur on OSX so the instructions didn't quite work.  Similarly with "Part 2" - it almost works but not quite.

Here's what you need to know to do this:

Given Julia's JIT/REPL/world model you have to understand that in order to build a command line (or App under OSX for that matter) you are essentially merging your code into the "world," creating an alternate "entry point" to launch your code, and adding a "glue" .c file to bring everything together.

First you need to (obviously) have Julia and a C-compiler (in my case Clang) installed.

You then build your Julia "module."  It should be structured more or less as follows:

module startup
using CSV
using LinearAlgebra
using DelimitedFiles
export real_main
export julia_main
function real_main()
... your code goes here ...
Base.@ccallable function julia_main()::Cint
        Base.invokelatest(Base.display_error, Base.catch_stack())
        return 1    
    return 0
if abspath(PROGRAM_FILE) == @__FILE__
end # startup

Let's call this "startup.jl".  (You can add argv and so on once it's all working.)

Next you need to process this file to extract what is essentially the list of Julia "packages" and internal stuff you will need in your "stand alone" executable. You do this with the Julia command line option "--trace-compile" as follows:

# this executes startup.jl - the --trace-compile saves Julia
# information in app_precompile.jl
julia --startup-file=no --trace-compile=app_precompile.jl startup.jl

Julia scans "startup.jl" and builds a list of "precompilations" needed to make your module work.  After this app_precompile.jl will be written to you disk.

Next you need a custom "custom_sysimage.jl" file to cause the precompilations to occur as well as to bring your module in.  Julia is based on dynamic libraries so the goal here is to create a new dynamic library containing your code that can be "built" into your command line app.

The first step is running "custom_sysimage.jl" to build a static library.

This file looks like this:

Base.reinit_stdio() # allows console debug on crash/fail

# the following 2 lines is to tell system image that startup.jl
# shall be included in Main scope. The trick is that you need
# this to cause the elements in the .jl to appear at the "top"
# scope level.  If this is not here your exported symbols will
# not appear in the .o or .o.dylib and the final link will fail.


@eval Module() begin
    Base.include(@__MODULE__, "startup.jl")
    for (pkgid, mod) in Base.loaded_modules
        if !( in ("Main", "Core", "Base"))
             eval(@__MODULE__, :(const $(Symbol(mod)) = $mod))
    for statement in readlines("app_precompile.jl")
            Base.include_string(@__MODULE__, statement)
            # See julia issue #28808
            Core.println("failed to compile statement: ", statement)
end # module


To execute this use the following:

# custom_sysimage.jl loads the app_precompile.jl information about
# which packages are used AND to actually include("startup.jl")
# to cause the symbols to appear at the "top level" julia scope
# a sys.o is constructed containing compiled startup.jl code.
julia --project=./ --startup-file=no -J"/Applications/" --output-o sys.o custom_sysimage.jl

This will create a static OSX library "sys.o".  The key things are the include("startup.jl") and the "--project=dir".  Vangelis was able to change paths and use a Julia "using" to access his module.  I couldn't get that to work because (I think) my module exists solely as a file in the current folder and isn't some kind of already known Julia package.  In any case your symbols you exported should appear in sys.o (check with "$ nm -gU sys.o").

This takes a while and a lot of meaningless crap comes out on the console.

Next use clang to make a .dylib.  The reason to use clang is the "-all_load" which is not supported on OSX gcc.  Each different platform has different ways to do this, e.g. "--whole-archive" but on the Mac I could only figure out how to get clang to work in this way.

# clang is used here (due to the availability of -all_load)
# to convert the sys.o to a dynamic library sys.o.dylib
# This is standard Mac OSX faire.

clang -fpic -shared -Wl,-all_load sys.o -L"/Applications/" -ljulia -o sys.o.dylib

The result is you app as a .dylib.  Next we need to build in Julia and its components.

a .c wrapper to call your library (put this into "startup.c" let's ay):

// Standard headers
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>

// Julia headers (for initialization and gc commands)
#include "uv.h"
#include "julia.h"


// Forward declare C prototype of the C entry point in your application
int julia_main();

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    uv_setup_args(argc, argv);
    // JULIAC_PROGRAM_LIBNAME defined on command-line for compilation
    jl_options.image_file = JULIAC_PROGRAM_LIBNAME;

    // Initialize Core.ARGS with the full argv.
    jl_set_ARGS(argc, argv);
    // Set PROGRAM_FILE to argv[0].

    // Set Base.ARGS to `String[ unsafe_string(argv[i]) for i = 1:argc ]`
    jl_array_t *ARGS = (jl_array_t*)
        jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("ARGS"));
    jl_array_grow_end(ARGS, argc - 1);

    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
        jl_value_t *s = (jl_value_t*)jl_cstr_to_string(argv[i]);
        jl_arrayset(ARGS, s, i - 1);

    // call your work function entry point, and get back a value
    int ret = julia_main();
    // Cleanup and gracefully exit
    return ret;

And finally use this command line to link things together:

clang -DJULIAC_PROGRAM_LIBNAME=\"sys.o.dylib\" -o startup startup.c sys.o.dylib -O2 -fPIE -I'/Applications/' -L'/Applications/' -ljulia -Wl,-rpath,'/Applications/$executable_path' -ljulia

If this succeeds you'll have your new command line app "startup".

Depending on your pathing either the -rpath will work (I couldn't get it too) or you'll need to define 

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Applications/

in the path when executing startup.

That's basically it.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Wolf and Levine: Masks and Empty Bar Stools Before Starving Children

According to this August 16th, 2020 WSJ article ( "As of late last month, about 12.1% of adults lived in households that didn’t have enough to eat at some point in the previous week, up from 9.8% in early May, Census figures show. And almost 20% of Americans with kids at home couldn’t afford to give their children enough food, up from almost 17% in early June."

At least one economist quoted in the article believes this is worse than the Great Recession (for those with a college education it started in September of 2008).  “It is clear to me that there is a big problem here, and the problem seems to be worse than it was at the height of the Great Recession,” said Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, a Northwestern University economist.

From the article as to "why" children are starving:  "First, it can take a while for laid-off workers to begin receiving unemployment benefits. Getting enough food can be a challenge during that interval.

Second, some schools and child-care facilities that provided free meals are closed. Paying for those meals can be expensive, even for parents with jobs."

And, based on the 20% statistic underlined in the first paragraph, it would seem that the result of this is starving children - a lot of them: based on ( about 26% of Pennsylvania's 12,281,05 people are 19 years old or younger: 3,254,479 children.

And 20% of these 3,254,479 children, so 650,000 plus or minus, don't get enough to eat as of August 2020 based on the above stats.

This is an every day thing, mind you - these children don't eat each and every day.

Yet our friend Tom Wolf (along with is cohort Rachel Levine) threatened the children back on July 15:  to wit (according to "Gov. Tom Wolf said Wednesday he’s willing to “pull the plug” on school reopening if a new surge of COVID-19 infections continues to grow."

To be clear: many children eat only because of school and other food programs.

Also to be clear: cases are surging along (or perhaps in parallel) with testing, not deaths, not hospitalization.

So why is Tom Wolf taking work away from parents (hospitality industry forced to operation at 25% of capacity) and not "covering the nut" on their children's food bills?  (Actually according to the industry represents around 600k jobs in PA - and it dropped to half that during the "lockdown.")

I would have thought the concept of "public health" would involve everybody (including "the children") in the state and not just those killed by Wolf and Levine putting Covid-infected patients in otherwise healthy nursing homes...?

(Are hospitals overrun? No.  Is care being rationed? No. Are people dying in the streets? No.)

According to PA's website ( daily Covid-19 deaths hover around 15-20 a day (and have since June).

So the mask and bar thing are more important than people feeding their children?

That's the take away here.

So how does history spin this?

Take a look at what Cris Dush, a PA State Representative, had to say back in May of 2020 ( 

"State Rep. Cris Dush said Gov. Tom Wolf’s lack of transparency in his management of the coronavirus crisis resembles a page out of a “socialist playbook.”
“More and more I go back to the German Democratic Nationalist Socialist Party, the Nazi party. I go to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USSR,” Dush said. “This is a socialist playbook.”
Dush responded, “It’s a statement of history. It’s history. It’s history.

Nazis, Mao, Stalin, etc. all had a hand in this sort of thing: Children are simply cannon fodder for the larger political aspirations of the "leader."

These are facts.

Uncomfortable facts.

Given substantial evidence (for example: that things like masks and lockdowns are of dubious value you have to wonder at the motivation here?

Though, of course, the posts themselves are criticized as "offensive to Jews" and so forth.  

Ironically those complaining seem to miss the point of what happens when those in charge are given free reign to control a population as they see fit...

There is, of course, a reason for the US Constitution (not that anyone with a college education would think it as anything but racist hog wash).

Doesn't it seem better to keep the infrastructure that supports children (jobs, schools) functioning rather than "punishing" some group for a "surge of COVID-19 infections"?

(As you hide at home all smug that you are saving people by wearing your mask in the bathroom remember this: you are starving children.)

Monday, July 27, 2020

The Covid: Mass Hysteria in Colorado

I became aware of this web page ( recently.

It compares Covid diagnostics with flu and other types of Emergency visits in the state of Colorado.

You will notice that by March 28, 2020 the flu has vanished entirely from Colorado.

How is this possible?

In the past (over a decade ago) I wrote about the flu.  It’s quite well defined as a medical condition.

You can see for this link ( and the linked CDC page: that the flu is ever present.

Yet it (the flu, influenza) has vanished in Colorado…  apparently completely...

Recently I came upon this Wall Street Journal article: Suffering From Covid For Months—and Battling Murky Test Results Too (by Sumathi Reddy at:

This gist of it is simple: people suffer on and on with Covid-based “symptoms” though they have not received a positive Covid test.

Endless excuses are provided by doctors in the article about why this “might” be the case: various timing issues with antibody tests, lots of “belief” they have Covid on the part of both doctors and patients, and so on.

The truth is no one really knows.

(But obviously the tests don't work or there would at least be consistent results - which there aren't.)

Which brings us back to the chart I discussed initially.

“… by March 28, 2020 the flu has vanished entirely from Colorado.

This is physically impossible.

So what other explanations might there be?

How about mass hysteria?



In November 2012, more than 1,900 school children and five teachers across 15 schools in Sri Lanka were treated for skin rashes, vomiting, vertigo and cough, believed to be caused by mass hysteria. Meanwhile, in late 2011, 12 high school girls in New York developed Tourette-like symptoms, with several more students and an adult coming forward with similar symptoms.”

It seem fairly obvious that the flu didn’t just pack its bags and leave Colorado in March of 2020.

The evidence is plain for all to see.

Facebook, Google, Twitter, social media in general, the news and so on have created mass hysteria.

(Certainly people still get diseases and die, even in Colorado, but from what exactly?  Clearly not the flu in Colorado according to the chart.  Yet the flu kills tens of thousands every year.)

Covid seems irrational because it is.

What people think of as “Covid” is an idea, a meme.

They choose not to see the flu in Colorado so now they all die of Covid.

In fact, if you believe enough thinker bell lives you can never die from the flu.

Yet “tests” don’t work…

Just like at the Salem witch trials...

Saturday, June 6, 2020

How Facebook is Monitoring What You Do...

When you click on an "outside" URL in Facebook, for example this ad:

You will see this in the search bar where URL's appear in your browser (highlighted in BLUE):

The important part is this portion of the URL:


This is a Facebook token that tells the site you are visiting, ReMarkable in this case, who and what you are.  Presumably Facebook get's paid for this.

The URL without the Facebook portion works fine by itself ( - it just doesn't tell ReMarkable you came from Facebook.

If you try and get around this by right clicking the story and saying "copy link" you get a URL encrypted URL of the ReMarkable site that takes you through Facebook to the linked story:[0]=AT1KVli6XCIbsIvffER7UO0WGhqRaniOqcivCYCK7JBPkukTNJG4mm-x4-WzlwMQdMKcBBgTJJiZBabz5qhxVt0Puy8YD9rs28EfDS8RpWX2wrxuUvEsLBPG_ahQ99dP90eBVB2m52bl1-72IgrNStLON91SJerGIEIrnjXnFzKKFzsk8c7bkhJjH8xGtICAbnh6jZEyJ_1_uHeD6jw5tfEeMOdoSa4lPiVnZJj6zbl8lyowVVvci73xZF_RneSAD1cEaVjwjlu3rf2TxSkjtFBRxN42KCEla9TPZRpZL2ymUc3qFDEcnz2YOWGxuYgEkrw4hUJ9aSlMSpSdS3G640c

Of course this also tells Facebook what you are doing.

If you want to skip putting money in Facebook's pocket right click (or whatever for your browser or phone) and use the "Search Google" for the same topic:

Since Facebook and Google don't get along the ?fbclid portion of the URL is stripped off (cause presumably Google wants to get paid instead and the advertiser doesn't want to pay twice):

So there you have it...

You are being tracked and helping Facebook do it.

For this blog I always remove the ?fbclid portion of a URL - and you should too...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

PA Brings "Dram Shop Law" to Nursing Homes

Pennsylvania establishments serving liquor are subject to "Dram Shop Law" ( - basically the idea is that if you server a "visibly intoxicated person" you, the waitstaff, owner, etc. is responsible after an accident regardless.

Wait, are the service people driving the car?


How is this reasonable?

It's not.

It's a hand out to trial lawyers to get you and your insurance company to fund irresponsible behavior.

Lawyers have turned this into a tool to extract money from the misery of others an accident.

You, the bar owner, are never convicted under the "Dram Shop Law"- the responsible person (who drove the car) finds a lawyer and blames the bar owner who should have known the patron was intoxicated.

Note that someone with a .1 (PA is .08) comes in behaving normally - no visible symptoms - and is served on drink.  This person leaves and has an accident.  The last waitstaff/bar/restaurant to have served this individual is now responsible...

Now look what the Pennsylvania Attorney General is up to: "Pennsylvania AG Opens Criminal Probes Into Nursing Homes Long-term care facilities have struggled for months to contain the coronavirus" (

We KNOW that Levine and Wolf forced home to take Covid-19 ill patients.

And boom, just like a bar, now the home will be responsible for lack of testing, death, harm, etc.

Why would anyone want to run a nursing home or bar in Pennsylvania?

Why would anyone want to live where people who are not responsible have the behavior of those that are forced onto them?

Wake up!

Where will grandma go if all the nursing homes are forced go out of business?

It's not like anyone predict any of this: the nursing home owner could never have predicted this.

Will you, soccer mom, quit your job to take care of grandma?

The problems here are much, much larger than Wolf and Levine...

General lack of owning responsibility for your own actions is the problem here.

Mr. Attorney General needs to start with those responsible: Wolf and Levine.

Coronavirus: Georgia's Early ReOpening "Human Sacrifice?"

A few weeks ago I wrote how government and health care workers were responsible for Covid deaths (

About the same time this article appeared in "The Atlantic:" Georgia’s Experiment in Human Sacrifice - The state is about to find out how many people need to lose their lives to shore up the economy (link:

Human sacrifice...

(Remember this was published April 30, 2020 - probably reflecting information from a few days earlier.)

First let's look at the facts from Gerogia (snapshot from today): (see "Deaths" under "Georgia Cases by County"):

As you can see there is a steep decline in death over the last few weeks indicating a distinct lack of "human sacrifice." (Note recent cases are dimmed due to confirmation - these are estimates based on death reports not given time to "settle.")

Modeling (from Dr. Frank Models on Facebook) indicates the same:

A bit further down on Georgia's page we see "Demographics" - if you select the "Healthcare Workers" tab you will find this chart:

So these are confirmed "Covid" cases by people working in health care.

What do you see?

The cases have been reduced to near zero, and well ahead of the "general population" cases.

If over-all Covid cases in the general population were driving the "Healthcare Workers" infection rate we should see it continue to rise.  (Pick March 16th, for example, where both general population and healthcare worker rates are rising, comparing we see a vast decline in May in health care infection rates even though over all cases are much higher.)

We see Covid declining.

We also know anecdotally that some 10% of Georgia's healthcare workers have Covid (for example:  This is probably low because there is no reason to test people that appear to be healthy.

(As compared to Pennsylvania nursing home cases make up a much lower percentage of cases in Georgia, perhaps 25% according to this :

So if general population is not driving the healthcare worker rates perhaps it's the other way around:  Healthcare workers were driving the cases in the general population. It would seem that as Georgia figured this out and pushed down the infection rate of their healthcare worker population the case load in the general population declines.

If the healthcare workers were "just like" the general population we would expect their caseload to decline in sync.  But it doesn't.  It declines faster.

This "human sacrifice"nonsense is total, utter idiocy!

You'll die if you are older, have comorbidity factors and in close contact with someone who has it, like a healthcare worker.

If states like Pennsylvania had any notion at all of "real science" it would see the same thing.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Nursing Home Democide in PA and NY

Democide ( is a term proposed by R. J. Rummel since at least 1994[1] who defined it as "the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command."

Here in Pennsylvania we see this story: Police: New Kensington mother left son, 3, in care of abusive boyfriend charged with killing him ( "Police charged the boy’s mother, Teresa Lynn Fetterman, 23, on Wednesday with involuntary manslaughter and other offenses. She was charged less than a week after police charged Keith Dale Lilly Jr., 31, with homicide following the boy’s death. Both were being held Wednesday in the Westmoreland County Prison."

So let's play a word game...

Let's change these words:

"New Kensington mother" => "Governor Tom Wolf and Rachel Levine"

"New Kensington mother" => "Governor Andrew Cuomo and Howard Zucker"

"left" = "ordered"
("ordered" when coming form a state official)

"son, 3" = "elderly nursing home patients"

"abusive boyfriend" => "facilities unable to handle, ill prepared for Covid-19"

So if Ms. Fetterman is a criminal, why aren't Wolf, Cuomo, Zucker and Levine?

Clearly if they were disadvantaged in some way they would be guilty...

Maybe it's time to call the FBI.

Sure sounds like Democide, Mass Murder, Crimes Against Humanity or Genocide to me?

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Coronavirus: Wolf's Frightening Reasoning...

The Wolf Administration: Rotten to the Core
Your governor has no rational argument for essential and non-essential services and he thinks destroying your business is not a problem (from his Supreme Court filing).  Read for yourself, don't trust my interpretation.

So two things.

First off Wolf's rotten to the core argument to Alito and the Supreme Court can be found here:

Wolf makes a number of claims, two I believe are fatally flawed.

First, as to what is "Essential" and "Non-Essential" - page #20 in the above link:

"The Governor’s list of life-sustaining businesses is divided among industries using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), which is well understood by businesses. These codes and classifications were developed under the auspices of the Office of Management and Budget and are utilized by the U.S. Census Bureau to group similarly situated organizations and entities together for classification purposes. See U.S. Census Bureau, North American Industry Classification System, (last visited 5/2/20). By using this highly regarded and ubiquitous classification system, the Governor ensured that similarly situated entities would be treated the same. As demonstrated by this action, Applicants certainly understand upon which side of this divide they fall."

So what is NAICS you ask?


"NAICS is an industry classification system that groups establishments into industries based on the similarity of their production processes."

It's all set up by codes, digit, prefixes, stuff like that.  For example:

11 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting—Activities of this sector are growing crops, raising animals, harvesting timber, and harvesting fish and other animals from farms, ranches, or the animals' natural habitats.

So looking at Wolf's list we see this (

No materials for face masks?  No problem.  We just lumped everybody together.

This doesn't say dick about what the things are used for.  It's based on how they are made.

It says nothing about people, proximity, anything related to disease, disease prevention, ...


So you are lumped into some category you had to pick on your PA100 filing; none of which you fit into because most businesses that are small don't.

Many businesses do more than one thing.  How's that handled?

Arbitrary and dumb and WRONG...

This isn't science, it bureaucratic zero real world experience stupidity.

Instead you'd say - hmmm - no one knows what goes on in these businesses so let's device simple policies everyone can follow regardless of their business.

Problem one - start out with the wrong model.

On to section D. There has been no “taking” of Applicants’ properties under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments

First this: He also argues police powers are appropriate as "Courts have consistently held that a State need not provide compensation when it diminishes or destroys the value of property by stopping illegal activity or abating a public nuisance. It is hard to imagine a different rule that would be consistent with the maxim “sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas” (use your own property in such manner as not to injure that of another).

I don't think we are all criminals.  But apparently he does...

Wolf next spends a great deal of time talking about how what he's done is not effectively eminent domain.  He uses arguments like the government cutting down trees of type A to save trees of type B and the government not having to compensate the type A owners because its for a good, public cause.

And then, which in my view is very telling and very, very wrong: "Here there is not even contemplation of property being damaged or destroyed.  Rather, as the Pennsylvania Supreme Court correctly recognized, the Governor’s Order “results in only a temporary loss of the use of the Applicants’ businesses premises” in order to “protect the lives and health of millions of Pennsylvania citizens[.]”"

Think about this: "Here there is not even contemplation of property being damaged or destroyed."

When your employee quits that you've invested time and money into... that's not damage?

This is very, very scary...

Most businesses will have credit issues with suppliers, banks, and so on.

People they will lose along with their investment in those people.

Then Wolf says: "... unremarkable proposition that government action rendering property permanently valueless constituted a taking. That is not the case here, where the restrictions are by their nature temporary. Indeed, after review and consideration of public health data, the Governor has recently announced the reopening of certain business locations for 24 counties beginning May 8, 2020."

So it's okay for the government to render your equipment useless because you can't bring in a repair person.

That's not taking?

(See too how he hedges with the "reopeneing ..." will be soon...)

This guy is out of touch with reality.


If I go to your work and literally throw a monkey wrench into your tire balancer and break it you can't call the cops?

That's destruction of propery.

And its the same here.

This is what our state is telling the Supreme Court.

Our tax dollars are writing this tripe.

This loser is hawking this bullshit.

This smacks of hastiness, sloppiness, and government lackeys pointing and misfiring from the hip.

Little wonder no one publicizes this.

And, to boot, I filed a FOIA (RTK in PA) on Wolf's office.

Guess what I got back (though other departments excluding health responded) from Wolf's office:

"Please note that the Office is currently closed due to the COVID-19 disaster emergency. Requests will be processed upon resumption of business."

His office isn't closed.

He delivered the arguments Monday.  Bet the lawyers worked over the weekend on triple over time on our tax dollars:

It's hiring lawyers to write bullshit arguments.

Why are these lawyers even working?

(Note they are not allowed as non-essential...  Yet I see Edgar Snyder adds on various TV channels.)

Oh, wait, defending this sorry ass is "essential."

His office is open to defend but not open for me...?

What a double dealing loser...

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Coronavirus: A Cure Hidden by Trump Hate?

I have written here about Dr. Vladimir Zelenko.

He clearly and plainly describes a cure for the unusual pneumonia portion of Covid19 that kills people and he claims success in curing some 1,500 patients (

I will explain the cure here.  It's very simple.

And I will also explain why you don't know about it.

First, please listen to the entire audio interview portion, and, if you don't please don't comment.

In the last few days an "investigation" of Zelenko has been whipped up according to the Washington Post (see "The Justice Department is probing the communications of Vladimir Zelenko, a New York doctor who has promoted hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus treatment and has been touted by Fox News host Sean Hannity, the Washington Post reports."

I have been following Zelenko since March 30, 2020 or so.

Apparently Zelenko contract Trump with regard to his "cure."

Of course, the media seized on this claiming Trump was promoting hydroxchloroquine (from "President Trump tweeted on Saturday that hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug, and azithromycin, an antibiotic, "have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine" when taken together — as novel coronavirus cases surge in the U.S."

This has been been amplified, just like PCR, beyond recognition (just like the unreliable PCR-based Covid19 tests).

Clearly Trump is not a scientist, he's a business man.

What's so interesting here is comparing what Zelenko says with what the media reports.

Zelenko was quite clear on his protocol, offering it freely in multiple interviews:

Hydroxychloroquine 200mg, 1 pill twice a day for 5 days,
Azithromycin (not a Z-pack) 500mg, 1 pill a day for five days
Zinc Sulfate 220mg 1 pill a day for five days

Okay, search around for "Trump", "Zelenko",  Covid19 cures, and whatever you like.

There's one think you won't find anywhere...

And that's Zinc Sulfate.

So keep that in mind...

Now the NY Times and others are whipping up a "Zelenko-fest" of bad publicity.


Because apparently Zelenko isn't a democrat.

(See: and - on and on but that's not the point...)

Everyone likes to report on the hdroxychloroquine and azithromycin.


Look at the Trump tweet above.

No Zinc.

Zinc has been around for some time (see: going back to the mid 1990s - and there are many studies about how well it works.

So why doesn't anyone write about it?

Why do they ignore Zelenko's actual treatment?

Is the media so dumb that they actually completely ignore a Covid19 treatment that works?

Apparently NOT!

So are doctors going around treating people based on two thirds of the treatment?

(Actually it work's with or without Zinc see: - but I think better with Zinc.)

In fact this is likely the study Zelenko mentions:

(Remember from the previous posts that Fauci himself would try these kinds of things rather than waiting years for vaccines.)

But because Trump said it it must be wrong.

And media simply parrots Trump as if he were a doctor.

And as a result a treatment which Zelenko provides for anybody at his clinic that actually works is simply misrepresented.

Hence you are locked down...

It's curable as far as I can tell.  Guys like Zelenko are literally staking their reputations on it.  Not because they are frauds or dumb or Trump lovers but they actually care about curing people.

Trump hate is killing you.

Trump hate is locking you down.

Trump hate is killing old folks in nursing homes.

Trump haters would rather people die than be cured.

This is truly fascinating.

Taking this to its logical conclusion one imagines in Pennsylvania Dr. Levine's literally destroying people's lives because of comments Trump has made.

(No one can cure the coronavirus common cold but we can whip up a Covid19 vaccine in a few weeks to exactly match the Fauci-predicted pandemic...)

USC 18, Section 242:

Cures exist.

Lockdowns ignore cures.

Governors are making decision based on tweets.  No research.  No thinking.  They should be tried for crimes against humanity.

Yes, they really are this dumb and/or evil.

As you can see from the last post things are starting to change.

You have rights.

They can only scare you into giving them up.

Grow up.

Do you research.

Coronavirus: Freedom of Religion Wins

The Maryville Baptist Church, Inc. v Andy Beshear, Governor of Kentucky - It seems Freedom of Religion will triumph:



ANDY BESHEAR,  in  his  official  capacity  as  Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Defendant-Appellee



Case No. 2:20-cv-00204-AWA-RJK
RALPH NORTHAM, in his official capacity
as Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia,

Basically temporary restraining orders to prevent enforcement of "anti-religion" life-sustaining  only Covid19 edicts.

These restraining orders would not have been granted (as each states) unless "The  Church  is  likely  to  succeed  on  its  state  and  federal  claims, especially with respect to the ban’s application  to  drive-in  services."

Note, however, these are not "blank" decisions but merely prevent the state for singling out religion from what otherwise might be poor Covid19 decisions.

So this is good news.

I wonder what other Constitutional freedoms will be addressed?

The strategy here seems to be "if you let 1,000 people into Walmart with social distancing rules why can't people engage in a properly controlled worship service?" is mentioned in passing but perhaps out of context.  It would seem that adults have a much broader range of rights than children in regard to making martyrs of themselves and also it seems that if you are sick you should stay home.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Coronavirus: Fauci on Hydroxychloroquine: "I'd see if these work"

Our old friend (and Hillary sycophant) wasn't always so circumspect about Hydroxychloroquine.

Nor was he thinking a coronavirus vaccine was right around the corner.

No, he was still in love with Hillary back in 2013...

Obama was president.

And Fauci was faced with MERS from the Middle East.

USA Today in 2013: "Scientists fight deadly new coronavirus" (

Quote: "We don't have to start designing new drugs," a process that takes years, Fauci says. "The next time someone comes into an emergency room in Qatar or Saudi Arabia, you would have drugs that are readily available. And at least you would have some data."

Even though the treatment hasn't gone through definitive trials, Fauci says, "if I were a physician in a hospital and someone were dying, rather than do nothing, you can see if these work."


Fauci: "if I were a physician ... rather than do nothing, you can see if these work."

Yet USAToday seems to have forgotten all about their own article on the matter: (

Today our friendly fact checkers say things like ( "Fauci not alone in saying hydroxychloroquine unproven against COVID-19"

The the above quote is quite true.

It's unproven (or at least you are supposed to believe it is).

Yet there's our old friend Dr. Vladimir Zelenko who claims proof it (in combination with other drugs) does work (see:

Research ( goes back into 2005 on this a few years after the "Bird Flu" that was going to kill us all:

If you listen to Zelenko's audio in the link above it's clear he found these documents and was able to use them successfully...

Let's think about this...

  1. Fauci is clear that in cases of emergency he would use it.  But that doesn't seem to be the message as far as Covid19 is concerned.  I guess he has an investment in this ( "NIAID’s trial enrolled more than 1,000 patients internationally and compared remdesivir treatment alongside supportive care with a placebo. Patients who got the drug recovered in an average of 11 days, while those who get a placebo recovered in 15 days, Fauci said."
  2. Fauci says in an emergency situation he'd try it, or at least he would if, perhaps, Obama were president...
  3. It works as far as Zelenko is concerned - he claims to have successfully treated hundreds of patients.  But poor old Vladimir's not a "big pharma" guy - he thinks anyone who says but then acts like Fauci ought to face a "crimes against humanity" trial.

We also need to notice a few things:

  1. No one says much, at least until recently, about the demographics of Covid19. Had they early on it's like things would be different; to wit not sending recovering Covid19 patients to nursing homes to "recover" (while everyone else dies).  Funny how this hasn't come up...
  2. No where I have seen does anyone say much about actual treatment regimens being used.  Do Republican governors use some secret protocol, perhaps involving hydroxychloroquine and Democratic governors use nothing?  You don't see much but I have seen a few reports indicating that states with lower death rates are more open to various treatments (just like Fauci used to be).
  3. There's probably more subtle lying and cheating going on too.  Since Cuomo sent Covid19 patients to nursing homes to recover is it really fair to count those killed by the governors idiocy as Covid19 deaths when after all he caused them? (see: and decide for yourself).
  4. The moron in charge of Pennsylvania's Covid19 response is involved with the same (

See the pattern?

The early patients went into the hospital, then to non-hospital facilities so the hospital could have more room for Covid19 patients.

Of course, this created more Covid19 patients, and more people to send to new nursing homes because the old ones were infected.

and on and on and on...

Now the rest of us have a problem.

In PA 60% of the cases are in nursing homes...

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Coronavirus: Taking Your Rights Back

A small win in Florida... 

Galen Wood, the owner of Kitchen Table Games in Pinellas Park. FL was cited multiple times for operating his "non-essential" business.

There's a decent historical write up of "“Non-Essential” Business Wins Huge Court Case Against State After Refusing To Close Doors To Public" from

Under Federal Law18 U.S. Code  242 Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law makes ( "makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.

For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim."

See also:

Attorney General Bill Bar has also addressed this issue ( and here